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  1. yulia

    complete this sentence pt 2

    ...a cause of pain and suffering.
  2. yulia

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    b.arts and sciences (pharmacology)
  3. yulia

    Lip Balm/Gloss

    i agree...when my lips get bad i use carmex, it only takes like 1-2applications and they're fixed. and it feels cool.
  4. yulia

    Wide Feet!!!!

    My feet are the opposite, mine are really really small, lengthwise, and skinny in the width. Like some shoe stores don't have shoes long enough for me, and because my feet are extra skinny and I have skinny ankles, it's even worse because most shoes that look like they are long enough slip off...
  5. yulia

    semester exam people

    So which is it? Are you planning to cheat off buddies you made in your tutes? Or are you stalking someone from your tutes?
  6. yulia

    im in a relationship atm and is *curious*

    The guy pays most of the time...the times I pay is when I sneak it in or I argue with him, or we make some arrangement, like he'll pay for food and i'll pay for the movie, but he usually makes it so I end up paying for the cheaper thing... B ut I know of quite a few girls who are with some...
  7. yulia

    difference between arts and science and arts/science

    I do the B.Arts and Sciences, it's like a more flexible version of the B.Science/Arts. There are some hidden features though, and I suggest you don't look at the Handbook for this course, it doesn't really tell you a fantastic amount of information, hence the Faculty just sent us all an email...
  8. yulia

    post your half yrly shopping results

    I wasn't too satisfied by the sales? I dunno, I went shopping and it was like, urgh, this stuff is still expensive, lines to dressing rooms are I gave up and decided to go back and get them when the sales are over and there's not so many annoying people who don't know how to walk...
  9. yulia

    5 Reasons why my Ipod is better than USU

    You mean like that time Louise, Nick etc asked if I wanted to go to the Easter show with them? Or when i got asked if I wanted to come to a rave in manly with them? I believe I do, yes. Me shut the fuck up? If I recall you're always the one taking pot shots. Seriously, grow up and get the fuck...
  10. yulia

    5 Reasons why my Ipod is better than USU

    Seeing as we are on the internet, I refer to you by your internet name, derrrrrr. I have better things to do than bitch about you in real life, because I actually have friends who like me and we do stuff together! Do you know what that's like (and I don't mean, invite yourself to join, or ask...
  11. yulia

    5 Reasons why my Ipod is better than USU

    1 reason why my Ipod is better than withoutaface: I can turn it off, and it can't turn itself back on - and we are free from it's garbage FOREVER.
  12. yulia

    sweet or horny?

    It depends on the person and the dynamics of the relationship I think. The first time my ex and I got together we were at my house and I had a headache and felt really dizzy and he tried to be all sweet and stuff and trying to hold me in an attempt to kiss me..haha..or he'd point at a bruise and...
  13. yulia

    work relationships

    Not my boss boss, but one of the pharmacists who is technically our boss when he's working is so hot. I want like a billion of his babies.
  14. yulia

    Flexible Entry...

    Depending on what your course is, they want extra-curricular stuff. When they say achievements, they want to see High Distinctions in nationally recognised competitions and stuff like the Physics Comps or the Australian Royal Chemistry Association Comp etc... I'm not sure where to get it...
  15. yulia

    Revolts within the Persian empire.. plz help

    Ahhhhh all my stuff is in boxes and I can't find my timeline... All I can remember is stuff from Darius' reign... A really good source if you can get your hands on it is the Distance Education booklets on Xerxes. I have them but they're packed away somewhere so I'll try to find them for you...
  16. yulia

    If you need help with me...

    If any of you need help with EES, just PM me. I always forget about this forum, but I did EES last year and got 8th in the state/95 and I still remember somewhat most of it... So yeah, for the few of you, I know when you get stuck on dot points it can be a bitch because there isn't many...
  17. yulia

    Earrings <3

    Yeah it is. Like, babies decide whether or not they like someone depending on their symmetry, they don't like people who look asymmetrical to them, and that kind of thinking is always subconciously there. And Stephanie, I have small lobes too, in fact I don't really have lobes, my ear joins...
  18. yulia

    myuni email account

    If using this technique, block words like: das, ist, und, der, zehr, sie, haben, neue, nach....they're fairly common, at least one will appear in a german email (unless they decide to use bad German) and just hope that no one who's actually trying to email you sucks at typing.
  19. yulia

    Best Hair Tip Ever!!

    Urine is full of nutrients? I thought it was full of toxins, and that's why the body expels it? Isn't it like, extremely toxic urea and then the body transforms it into a less harmful but still toxic form of ammonia so it like, doesn't kill you? And that's why it's actually very dangerous to...
  20. yulia

    is it wrong to go after a guy with a girlfriend?

    Other than risk losing a whole bunch of friends and develop a bad reputation amongst people she knows...and people she doesn't. If in the end it turns out all miserably wrong, the girlfriend is going to hate her, the girlfriend's friends are going to hate her, the guy is going to get the...