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  1. underthesun

    who's boat is sinking?

    oh crap, i spilt my secret.. No, I dont want you to think that I am a mod. :D i was just bored..
  2. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial potassium metabisulfite [puh-TAS-ee-uhm meht-uh-bi-SUHL-fite] A white powder or salt containing approximately 57 percent sulfur dioxide. Potassium metabisulfite also comes in tablet form, known as Campden tablets...
  3. underthesun

    who's boat is sinking?

    thread closed, due to too many spam. on second thought, it's opened. fear my moderating powahh!!!! im bored
  4. underthesun

    hsc mark in physics

    Meh, I want band 6 just for the sake of the aggregates.. stupid english standard.!
  5. underthesun


    My CSSA will be modified, by my teacher, since we haven't done harder 3u and circular motion :D You know, he gave me and my friend "good" news. He said, it's very<sup>3</sup> hard. And the tests that he gave to us previously he described as "easy", even though everyone know they're hard as hell..
  6. underthesun

    Ethanol Multi Choice (CSSA Exam)

    forgot, but i counted the amount of moles and multiplied by 1360 kJ :p The amount of moles was zero point something
  7. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    psst, electronic weighter counted as electronic scale? I just heard "electronic scale" today as I *ahem*skipped many experiments, and they probably used scales..
  8. underthesun


    Yep, stick with standards. Jakob Nielsen recommends it :D If you're going to learn something new, why not flash? Flash 7 is coming out soon, as the beta player is already available.
  9. underthesun

    HSC Tips - Mechanics

    Well, someone else, could, for example affinity looks like a good candidate.
  10. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    25 marks.. chill :) my teacher said he's going to exclude any marking of any part that he hasn't done, so would your teacher probably. The thing is, if someone attempted all the question, imagine the disadvantage he'd be put upon, especially if he sacrificed efforts on other questions for...
  11. underthesun


    pfft, social engineering diploma here :p
  12. underthesun

    who's boat is sinking?

    If my boats starts to sink, it's going to be Titanic style. In the edge, putting my hands up :D oh wait, that's not the sinking part..
  13. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    never mind, i think i got it wrong :p
  14. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    Oh yeah, in that case, something like that, i couldn't balance it with all the [ size = 1 ] mess here.. but the only number that was there that was fit was A, and others seems strange..
  15. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    I got 8.449 L, so im not talking about that question 9 multiple choice question :D for that, I got A, and the above equation doesn't really describe it well, but I can't balance it myself.. Anyways, if one reaction produces one mole, then the answer isn't on the list. I doubled the answer...
  16. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    It was : Na2(CO3)2 + 2HCl -> 2NaCl + H2O + 2CO2 not sure.. confusing :(
  17. underthesun

    When Is Your Trial For chem?

    that question was from 2002 CSSA (models stuff) :D go to kini mini's website to see the answer now..
  18. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    I dont think it's a buffer, because it takes the H30+, so it should reduce the acidity, yeh? But i also wrote about the K+ remainders that takes away the OH- of the water.. so how would I know :) So, maybe it does not really change the pH, all it does is just prevent oxidation or...
  19. underthesun

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    Which calcium carbonate question? btw, What did you guys / girls put in for that isomers multiple choice? It should be (a) right? What was question 9? You're right with the volume of gas, cuz i got that too :D. btw petrol extender is ethanol, so I think it should be working as a...
  20. underthesun

    CSSA chemistry trial

    Finished one hour earlier with all questions, but some are just pain in the ass.. The rest of that hour is spent mark-hunting by writing questions band-6 essay style :) Look at 2002 cssa, it's crazy as hell...