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  1. michael1990


    SO there is a smell?
  2. michael1990


    Metal? I dunno, its not a very nice smell.
  3. michael1990


    LOL I don't know what to take it as. Thats why i was posting in the thread?
  4. michael1990


    Its too strong to not notice it. You don't even have to sniff. Walk past, you can smell it. Disgusting.
  5. michael1990


    LOL? i take it as?
  6. michael1990


    LOL But i always thought that girls who use pads smell funky? Although, i have noticed some girls at my school do smell, is a cause of this their periods? Because thats what i have put it down to.
  7. michael1990


    What sort of normal activities?
  8. michael1990

    help virus

    OOO. Nothing? You may be able to download all the drivers from the website. But you will need to know what drivers you have. And you may need to go and buy Windows XP. I don't know they sell that now, which will mean you will have to buy Vista, which in turn it sounds like your computer...
  9. michael1990

    help virus

    Above advice was good. Why didn't i think of new task? LOL Although, i wouldn't reinstall windows without trying different avenues first. Have you got all the drivers that came with the computer?
  10. michael1990

    help virus

    Do you mean that there is no icons on the desktop? Can you access the start menu? Can you access control panel and such?
  11. michael1990

    Cheating in a HSC assessment/test.

    LOL do you really think he is smart enough?
  12. michael1990

    Subject choice advice

    I would think Modern History would scale better than French Beginners. But i could be wrong. I would just say, if you like one better than the other. It has been decided for you.
  13. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    LOL! But he has strong selling skills.
  14. michael1990

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    WHAT! Are you an idiot? Have you read his articles? His books? MAN COME ON!
  15. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    Doesn't matter if he is pretending or what. He hasn't come up with very good arguments anyway.
  16. michael1990

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    HA HA HA. Not when they have the Black American Express card like my mother. I look up and say, you are mega rich :) Marry me?
  17. michael1990

    Dot point summaries:

    My opinion is you need to understand what points are important for your summaries. What i do is i get the syllabus have a read and i then i start my summaries. I put what i believe is the most important, then i get another summary whether it be from a friend or from a website and see what they...
  18. michael1990

    Coles Question

    I know at my work, the rosters are done by the Business Manager, Assistant Manager, Duty Managers or Events Coordinator. It varies week to week.
  19. michael1990

    Business/economics Tutor 96 Uai

    I wanted a business tutor not a economics tutor.
  20. michael1990

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    You always study fag muffin.