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  1. michael1990

    Leading Edge Economic Summary Notes.

    Yeah totally different man. They have notes that aren't in the books. I just recieved ones for Business Studies and they are crap. So i have given up on the Economic ones.
  2. michael1990

    Good, ink-saving font for uni notes?

    You're not the OP so your opinion doesn't matter.
  3. michael1990


    LOL Nah, she had admitted where it was. They couldn't get it out, she paid for it. Then went home.
  4. michael1990

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    Nah there are a few quality movies out at the moment. Such as Untraceable, Street Kings. Also this year is going to be the biggest year for films. When i say the biggest i mean in box office sales coming around June and there after. Trust me :) EDIT: But there are also a few movies...
  5. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    I actually thought they were bringing in a new kind of 'up late, adults only' show. But i could be wrong. Seriously, its still a terrible show. It was good say the first 2 shows, after that it was terrible.
  6. michael1990


    Guy at work told me today. His friend at Big W, was serving a lady and her 15 year old daughter. Transaction went through, the mother walked through the sensors nothing, the daughter than walked through and it went off. The mother had told the daughter she wasn't getting lipstick, but the girl...
  7. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    And waste money on that voice? I think not.
  8. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    Thats his normal voice.
  9. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    LOL yeah its already tarnished, i don't think people can think anything less of it than they already do.
  10. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    I don't know where he works. But he comes into my work.
  11. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    I would say so, as he comes to my work.
  12. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    Nah, i laughed. So did everyone i work with.
  13. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    Really? I find him annoying. His voice, i cannot stand.
  14. michael1990


    Yeah, its disgusting. No offence to girls who have it, but take a little more care?
  15. michael1990

    Big Brother 2008

    Nah its the new big brother. He has been on T.v. He has a really really annoying voice, and says his voice is his best asset.
  16. michael1990

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    Sorry to do this to you love. But Hurstone is in the macarthur region. Also there are a couple of other schools in the Macarthur Region that are ahead of Broughton. It is ranked number 27. on the top 200 NSW schools. Source...
  17. michael1990

    which would you prefer, board notes/dictating?

    Had this discussion with economics class and teacher. We all prefer board notes.
  18. michael1990

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    Means you will be a economic guru and prob work for Tim Riley LOL!
  19. michael1990

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    I spoke to the OP today. (friend of mine), we had discussed his post. He thinks public schools do much better in the HSC and in life skills. As most private school students have bad communication skills, which i believe is false and stupid comment by him. How can you not compare the high end...
  20. michael1990

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    Actually you're sadly mistaken. Top school in our region is Macarthur Girls. I think number 47. Source : Also Hurlstone is higher. I couldn't see Broughton on the top 200?