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  1. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    You cannot do them at a different time to the rest of the HSC students. As you could know someone and get information from the test. Don't know how they would do it. But he has to contact the school who will in turn contact BOS.
  2. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    The first person would have to be the school. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! THEY may have to change the whole timetable again.
  3. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    LOL Priceless. Keep that screen shot, its year book material.
  4. michael1990

    HELP - Speed Cameras

    I wasn't quite sure. But as he felt that he was going to lose his licence for 3 months. I presumed that he had recieved the notice.
  5. michael1990

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    LOL sorry. But you gave me no choice. I suppose a movie of your choice Emily.
  6. michael1990

    Mid Course Preliminary Eco

    The muliplier concept isn't in prelim. But the circular flow model is. Which is part of the multiplier concept. John Maynard Keynes theory! Look it up and talk about it in the lesson you do the circular flow model. It would be like WOW! he knows heaps LOL
  7. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Same! I agree it would be weird being at school when like no one else is around. Its quiet, no bells. Nothing! And its DARK! LOL
  8. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    LOL Well at least you have a few days to study for them.
  9. michael1990

    p's test next thurs

    AGREED! I forgot to say good luck mate. Let us all know when you go for them.
  10. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    I finish mine on the 26th October. Sound worse?
  11. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    I have Business and I.T. the same as you. I then have english the next day! ARRRRHHH!
  12. michael1990

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    LOL sorry, but i haven't even met you. You do sound like a lovely chappy but. I will take ya to the movies, but not Aaron or Kat.
  13. michael1990

    Mid Course Preliminary Eco

    LOL I just did that today. I did the um... Mulitplier concept.
  14. michael1990

    HELP - Speed Cameras

    Really such a high percentage?
  15. michael1990

    Does music help you study or do homework?

    Why would i tell you all my secrets? There would be nothing else to wonder about.
  16. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Wow thats heaps cool! I turn 18 in August. I wish i had an exam a couple of days off then another exam and so forth. THAT WOULD BE PERFECTION!
  17. michael1990

    Related Texts for Physical Journeys

    We are doing that for our prescribed text. I AM ALSO looking for related texts for Physical Journey! HELP ME!
  18. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Oh okay. Thanks for that Karen.
  19. michael1990

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Sucks Balls!
  20. michael1990

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    Sorry. Its not an incentive which entices me enough.