Didn't the article i show, prove that Public Schools achieved higher results against private schools?
However i still should have listened to the parents.
Mum/Dad: "Michael go to a private school"
Me: Nah its all good. You both stress too much.
No way???
My work pays by minutes. But if you're late by 5minutes, i don't think they deduct 15mins. Otherwise people would just be late 15minutes because they aren't getting paid for it anyway?
I agree to a point.
I mean i should of listened to my parents and went to a private school. But i was too stupid because i wanted to be with my friends.
But anyway, i think schools should try and be top in the middle and top in the top section. Not just have 1-2 people in the top spots of the...
No this is all honesty.
I am deadly serious.
I mean its not all girls, but there are some at my school. (not ones i know personally)
I don't know if they don't shower, but i would just put it down to 'period smell'. I could be wrong though.