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  1. sonyaleeisapixi

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    these holidays i have acheivvvved; making a big dint in my pip and english ex2 mw finished my first draft of my history ex project finished my modern speech and today im doing nothing apart from getting my eyebrows waxed, hair done, going to work, and printing out 18th invites
  2. sonyaleeisapixi

    Half Yearly Exams

    -.- i jumped on him literally i wasnt that desperate for my mark, i swear! hes my extension history teacher too, so i wanted him to read what id written so far. yes, i keep a copy in my car in the hopes of coming across him. and thanks. =]
  3. sonyaleeisapixi

    Given up hope of 90 UAI, anyone?

    i only need 75 for secondary teaching at UNE, so anything over that is a bonus im ranked first in everything so far, and that probably wont change after half yearlies, so, whatev i haven't studied much these holidays but i have done 3/4 of my history x project and made a big dint in my PIP...
  4. sonyaleeisapixi

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    english, for all aspects of your life, what ever it is in life you do.
  5. sonyaleeisapixi

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    english gives you basic life skills. the ability to speak at least vaugley confidently infront of peers and work mates, the ability to write a formal letter, to coherently write or disect an arguement, everything english gives you, you will need in the work force. even if you work at maccas for...
  6. sonyaleeisapixi

    Daily Study for Half Yearlys

    in as many different fashions as possible. and i really stress the benefits of group study sessions. that is, giving someone one thing to brain storm, and the others something different, then explaining them to one another.
  7. sonyaleeisapixi

    Half Yearly Exams

    i dont officially get my result back til tuesday, but i attacked my modern history teacher in the mall today, and he said I got 98%. first, by a lonnng shot. =] im looking forward to going back
  8. sonyaleeisapixi

    Not Allowed to Change Class!!! *Angry*

    no, they don't. you have to acheived a certain mark to move from standard to advanced, i think at my school likes like 80%, and thats only from year 11 and through 11, and into 12. that being said, i know what youre trying to say. just bad example. and agreed, while resistance is...
  9. sonyaleeisapixi

    Daily Study for Half Yearlys

    i always, always start with mind maps of my subjects, and what i know/assume will be in my exams, for each subject. i tend to slow down on the work that is non examinable, but not entirely; because, well, its still important, just non assessable. after mind maps, i make more solid notes...
  10. sonyaleeisapixi

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    im a cleaner, so, appropriately, my room looks like the western front. its organised, but its characterised by smallness. small desk, small book shelf counter balanced by a big bed big books big folders big piles of clothes.
  11. sonyaleeisapixi

    Help with HOLOCAUST

    what he means is dont get wrapped up in the holocaust and holocaust denial and negelect the fact you are not studying the holocaust or holocaust denial, but the historiography of such i know what you mean, but its a danger in something this deep and debatable to forget you key questions and...
  12. sonyaleeisapixi

    Brave New World/Blade Runner help.

    uhhm theyre similar because they portray dystopic futures they differ because of context. this is just a paraphrasing of last years hsc q im fairly sure
  13. sonyaleeisapixi

    whats everyone doing for their major works?

    i know the feeling. mine due in four weeks and i realllly need to get a riggle on.
  14. sonyaleeisapixi

    Pip Survey-bali Bombings- Please Fill In

    Bali Questionnaire COULD YOU PLEASE WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN ITALICS. IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED :) 1. How old are you? UNDERLINE most appropriate Under 15 15-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 40+ 2. Have you been to Bali before? If no, please continue to question 7. Yes No 3.What...
  15. sonyaleeisapixi

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    i .. wouldn't. i love my school, even if it was ranked 464th last year.
  16. sonyaleeisapixi

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    and to be fair, public school kids are less fussy about the uni they attend anyway. im happy at armidale for teaching, and the girl im tying first with academically is happy with newcastle for medicine.
  17. sonyaleeisapixi

    English-Are you really learning anything?

    english is teaching you valuable life skills, as i keep saying
  18. sonyaleeisapixi

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    my point exactly. an impressive uai and getting into an amazing uni means shit if you falter in a new and different environment.
  19. sonyaleeisapixi

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    i think you missed the point entirely.
  20. sonyaleeisapixi

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    *shrug* so its not that you do well in uni, its that you get there? k.