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  1. T

    Is the pressure kicking in yet?

    just trying to survive till the end of term :bomb:
  2. T

    when's your first assessments start???

    yeh, we won't have assessments............we'll have half yearly's :mad1: good luck btw
  3. T

    year 11s going into yr12

    we're doing physical journeys, at least i think we are... we're studying peter skrzynecki (however u spell it) at his poetry is alright i guess better than the hollow men and some of frost's stuff (no offense)
  4. T

    How was your school day?

    good luck, and btw, table tennis is a mad sport
  5. T

    How was your school day?

    just the usual, but we got a bit of work essay for english -_- oh well, continued induction in maths, pretty good, i like induction, and in physics there was a fight, so some half time entertainment to round off the day
  6. T

    Scaling between subjects

    u shoulsn;t really rely on scaling in order to pursue a particular subject at the end of the day, if u are gna drop a subject, u have to drop; what u feel is necessary, whether it be the subject u like the least, or the one u are doing the poorest in scaling differs each year depending on...
  7. T

    It is not as hard as the HSC

    very well put, it's like a progression, of course it's gna be a but harder than prelims, every year is harder than the previous, but the stress factor is also a big one
  8. T

    It is not as hard as the HSC

    i'm not saying that u have to fill up 10 booklets, like u said, u can get a band 6 by filling up only 1 or 2 booklets, it is about quality nevertheless, my point is that we will end up writing more because the hsc contains more content than the prelims and some of the content is a lot harder
  9. T

    It is not as hard as the HSC

    yeh, i forgot to mention that the space between lines in those booklets are massive, honestly, to fill it up is pretty easy, but still 40 pages is a lot, it's 10 booklets
  10. T

    Why is everyone doing their HSC?

    After HSC - relax, chill out, celebrate that it's over, go out with friends, watch the cricket, other stuff, tease my brother's cos they still gotta go to skool (haha love being mean) UAI aim: over 95 is good for me, but i want as high as possible, ultimately 100, but who deoen't, but in...
  11. T

    It is not as hard as the HSC

    HSC is a bit harder than the prelims, but i guess the pressure of the situation makes it feel hard as well also, hsc means that u have to be able to write a lot, especially in subjects like history and english the other day, some people were saying that for their ext 1 eng exam (which is 2...
  12. T

    Anxiety Attacks..

    anxiety attacks are pretty serious but don't worry, all of us are in the same position as u, we're all worried bout the hsc as well, so don't get too nervous, we're all in the same boat
  13. T

    general discussion for hsc 2007 open!!

    yeh, i don't feel any different now that i'm in yr 12, i still feel like i'm yr 11, guess the feeling won't change till next yr anyway, go class of 2007
  14. T

    general discussion for hsc 2007 open!!

    w00dy is right we should talk in the 2007 forum, but they won't let us what's taking so long??? i want to be year 12, i want to be year 12 ! *banging fists and throwing tantrum like a child* :mad1:
  15. T

    soooooo not ready to start year 12

    lol, haha, very good point of view use people that u don't like as motivation to do well :rofl:
  16. T

    soooooo not ready to start year 12

    i sometimes have no motivation at all, which means that i end up leaving all of my assignments to the last minute, but in year 12, i guess u can't do that so this year, i'm practically forcing myself to work 'ahead of schedule', but one main tip i use is the fact that if we ace our HSC...
  17. T

    when's your first assessments start???

    i feel for u, thats a lot of assessments, good luk in all of them anyway, i already have an eco (doing it now in fact, lol) and a business assignment, have a 3 unit test on induction, polynomials and parametrics, and we're about to get a physics and an english advanced assignment, also have a...
  18. T

    Maximum number of units

    much too late :bomb: