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  1. T

    DOES THE "School Certificate affect your HSC".

    not even the prelim year 11 course has an affect on ur hsc so don't worry
  2. T

    Maximum number of units

    yeh, accelerated is understandable, but still, 20+ units is like double the minimum, is it really necessary to do and stress over so many subjects, its still possible to max ur UAI doing 10, 12 15 units u don't have to go crazy with so many units to get a good UAI, u just need to ace ur subjects
  3. T

    How was your school day?

    today was alright, had 4 unit english in the morning b4 skool and i started creating my idea had business, maths, english adv, eco and maths, so a pretty good day :) alos had MCS cricket, took 2 wickets and a catch but we lost :mad1: *snivel* oh well, double maths 2moro, should be alright
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    Maximum number of units

    yeh, lol, 22 units that just crazy, too crazy, someone doing that many units should live at school, she probably does or did anywayz, if i was her and i didn't get a UAI of 100, i'd be kicking myself, if she didn't get 100 UAi, she wasted much of her time on unecessary homework, that is if the...
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    lol, very true
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    soooooo not ready to start year 12

    i'm already starting to feel the effects of 4 units of english cos there's so much reading to be done, reading texts, supplemenatry text, BOS prescribed texts "rolls eyes" and 4 unit past major works (to get an idea of how i'm gna get good marks *cough*) anyway, bring yr 12 on, lets see how...
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    the question actually says "find an approximation to the value..." so u are inding the value of the integral, hence u are evaluating hence the answer is: -0.044 :)
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    Give Mathematics HSC a scale of difficulty.

    i'd give it a 5, it wasn't too hard, very doable
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    Mathematics - General thoughts on the exam

    the exam was opk, i only found qu 10.b) a bit tricky, but the rest was fine =D aiming at 100+ / 120
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    Mathematics - General thoughts on the exam

    lol, haha, aren't u being a bit hypocritical, america going and invading iraq and afghanistan for no moral reasson, yes, i agree that america are greedy, they just wanted the oil, however, isn't it true that hitler invaded pretty much the whole of Europe just to expand his power, "for no...
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    u don't have to use absolute value, the qu asked for u to evaluate, not find the area, so the answer can be a negative
  12. T

    How was your school day?

    lol, yeh, very true soulsearcher, btw, that reminds me, i should try and steal ur bag for those clues soemetime hmm, wonder how i'll do it *strokes long invisible beard*
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    i do 3U, but not 4U, i'd have too many units, and i'd dunno how i'd do, probably crap anyway
  14. T

    Maximum number of units

    don't worry bout SAM, u can do as many as u want
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    Need help plz newbie here fob

    very good point if ur acing standard but aren't confident in facing up against the advanced students, then i recommend staying in standard, u will achieve very high marks but if ur confident, try advanced, u might ace that too =D
  16. T

    100 uai

    however, remember that SAM is based on past UAI scaling methods, which differe every single year so the way a subject is scaled in 2005 for instance will be different from how it scales in 2006 or 2007 by the way, it doesn't matter what type of school u go to, if u rank 1st and own ur hsc...
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    yeh, i got 8pi units ^3 as well well done guys :)
  18. T

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    exacvtly, theb2 unit exam wasn't that hard only 10. b was a bit tricky, but overall, the test was very 'doable' if u read the questions, and looked at the diagrams properly, the questions weren't hard to answer it isn't hard to get over 100 for that exam, i don't see wat ur complaining...
  19. T

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    thank you test pilot, to be honest, i was kind of getting sick of ajax and un complaining all the time like testpilot said, the exam wasn't designed so that every tom, dick and harry could just walk in and get band 6, they have to discriminate, and separate the good from the bad, for purposes...
  20. T

    Rank the exam

    what do u mean, logs don't always have to be positive when x<1, lnx <0