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  1. BillyMak

    Need ideas for prac!

    You could use a few different methods to determine the acceleration due to gravity at the earth's surface maybe?
  2. BillyMak

    Inverse trig question:

    Ahh crap... my triangle didn't work :( Edit: Thanks withoutaface :)
  3. BillyMak

    Inverse trig question:

    Do it like this, at least it's a proof: sin<sup>-1</sup>x = cos<sup>-1</sup>x let y = cos<sup>-1</sup>x x = cos y Draw up a triangle, trying my best here.... fffffffffffffffffffffffffff/| ffffffffffffffffffffffffff/ | ffffffffffffffffffffff1 /ff|....sqrt(1-x<sup>2</sup>)...
  4. BillyMak

    MC Question

    I'm confused. I'm sure this is a very simple question, but I'm not sure how to do it. It was Q 19 of the multiple choice in 2002. Anyways here it is: Jack's Computer Services Pty Ltd has provided the following data based on the revenue statement for the year ended 30 June 2002. Total...
  5. BillyMak

    financial ratios

    I think they are both the same ratio, however the second ratio would imply that you don't include current liabilities in the calculation....
  6. BillyMak

    Is Coles Myer silly or not??

    When I got a job with Coles, they actual called me and asked me if I wanted to go in for the aptitude test. I never even put in an application form. 3 hours after they called me, I had a job :) Turns out someone who worked there that I knew thought that I might want a job, and they were short...
  7. BillyMak

    2000 HSC Q 7a ii

    Question 7 (a) The amount of fuel F in litres required per hour to propel a plane in level flight at constant speed u km/h is given by F = Au<sup>3</sup> + B/u where A and B are positive constants. (i) Show that a pilot wishing to remain in level flight for as long a period as possible...
  8. BillyMak

    Can anyone do this?

    Unfortunately I've managed to run into a few other posts by that guy. I don't think he'll be around for too much longer ;)
  9. BillyMak

    2000 HSC Q 7a ii

    hmm.... I dunno
  10. BillyMak

    2000 HSC Q 7a ii

    meh, I had to do that before I could attempt (ii)
  11. BillyMak

    2000 HSC Q 7a ii

    (i) To remain at level flight for greatest possible time, F is a minimum. F = Au<sup>3</sup> + B/u dF/du = 3Au<sup>2</sup> - B/u<sup>2</sup> d<sup>2</sup>F/du<sup>2</sup> = 6Au + 2B/u<sup>3</sup> d<sup>2</sup>F/du<sup>2</sup> > 0 since u>0, A & B are positive. Therefore min when...
  12. BillyMak

    2000 HSC Q 7a ii

    Can you do part (i)?
  13. BillyMak

    Proving stuff

    hehe... I think I know the reason for that as well. People that had no idea were probably going "Step 1:, let n = 1...." doing the working and getting a mark, then not having a clue about the rest, then writing a concluding statement and getting another mark ;)
  14. BillyMak

    Uai Prediction Plz!!!!

    Get out of here you dickhead. There is no point in that.
  15. BillyMak

    Space question

    What if the two frames of reference are separated by a big sheet of glass, and one frame of reference had air while the other was a vacuum?
  16. BillyMak

    Can anyone do this?

    And is it the graph of y = [(x-1)(x-2)/(x-3)]<sup>1/2</sup> or y = [(x-1)(x-2)]<sup>1/2</sup>/(x-3) that the question asks?
  17. BillyMak

    Can anyone do this?

    That is the graph of y<sup>2</sup> = (x-1)(x-2)/(x-3), not y = [(x-1)(x-2)/(x-3)]<sup>1/2</sup> right?
  18. BillyMak

    Main things from 2U

    Ditto.... I came 3rd in the year and I have never studied in my life for Business Studies. It's a good subject to do if you are lazy :)
  19. BillyMak

    Survivor 9 - Vanuatu

    Chris- what a joke. A guy with one leg can get across a balance beam with little to no problems and Chris can't do it with multiple attempts.
  20. BillyMak

    Survivor 9 - Vanuatu

    It is beyond me how Rory is still there.