Search results

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    Bridging Courses

    thanks heaps 4 that. crap it clashes with my UTS O-week, is there any other uni which offers bio bridging courses
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    General Questions (People, Classes etc)

    in UTS lectures are there generally alot of people, like how many people would be in 1 lec. whats the average size for a lec.
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    Bridging Courses

    do any1 know where i can do a bridging course for bio??
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    Enrolled what

    hey when every1 activated their e-mail did they get 3 e-mails i am so scared that i did something wrong
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    B med/ B busiess

    B med sci / B busiess so whos doin B med sci / B busiess at da city
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    2006 UTS Offers

    so wht about faculty of business or science
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    2006 UTS Offers

    hey is there a camp for B business or B med scci???
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    UTS Email: Account Activation?

    if i can access my UTS e-mail now does that mean that i have actived it and did everything right??? oh and does that mean that i also accepted my offer
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    2006 UTS Offers

    B med sci/ B business 1st pref
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    if i acn access my UTS e-mail does that mean that i have actived it and did everything right??? oh and does that mean that i also accepted my offer
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    UAC main-round offers; what'd you get?

    B Med sci/ B business UTS city cut-off: 85.25 UAI: 79.05(used EAS)
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    Post your (mid) 2006 Uni Offers here

    B med sci/B business UTS cut-off:85.25 UAI: 79.05 (used the EAS) VERY HAPPY anyone else got into this course
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    UTS Email: Account Activation?

    i have 2 questions 1) how did u acess ur e-mail 2) did u pick ur subjects yet???
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    hey did any1 from UTS stared picking their subjects yet and if yes where do i go cause i am really worried, please help me. i dunno even if wht i did was right or wong
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    just a QUESTION??

    well its clear now that USDY had most of their courses go up, wht do u think is gonna happen with UTS???
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    what do u reackon!!!

    any more ideas???
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    just a QUESTION??

    those of you who already got offers, did the cut-offs go up or down if any by how much??
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    what do u reackon!!!

    what do u reckon!!! if i have a UAI of 79.05 and i wanna get into a course that has a cut-off of 88.20, but i have the EAS from UTS which provides me with 10 points, what's my chances of gettin into that course do u reckon???? Oh BTW the course is med sci/business
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    l've got a few questions about UWS..

    don't go 2 TAFE, not that there is anythin wrong with it, but i heard that if u transfere from TAFE its alot harder than from uni to uni.
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    Equity Scholarships

    this is everything u need 2 know.