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    k i didn't know where to post this, but i thought that this will be the best area. where can i get an mp3 player or an ipod from, with the following characterstics: 1) memory > 512 (nothing less than that) 2) must have a screen 3) price: < 125 do u think that i could find something...
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    business course Q

    yea for B of Accounting the cut-off was 95 u had u get higher than 95 for them to consider you, and u also had to pass the interview
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    has anyone recieved any acceptance or rejection letters from UTS within regards to any scholarships? just wondering cause untill now i've heard nothing from them
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    has anyone recieved any acceptance or rejection letters from UTS within regards to any scholarships? just wondering cause untill now i've heard nothing from them
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    textbook list

    has the UTS 2006 textbook list come out yea? if yes where can i c it. thanks
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    wht is da best diet u tried

    ^^^^what did it involve and did it work??
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    Equity Scholarships

    has any1 here recieved anything from UTS. Plz let me know, i am dying here
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    hey when i go and enrol, do i have to make up my timetable for 1st semester and well as second 2nd semestar. cheers
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    I Got The Scholarhip!!!!!!!

    Congtarts!!! what scholarship was it?? from wht uni??
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    late round offers help pls

    ok, within regards to ur situation this is what i think. u might be lucky and get into interior. but the question is did u put it as ur 1st pref in da late round? there is a chance of getting in, cause 1) not everyone that got an offer into interior will accept it, therefore although it...
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    Anyone doing Science and Business

    i feel da same but i am doin med sci and business
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    course help

    hey i was just doin my timetable i am doin b Business/ B med sci and on monday and fri i have 1 lec which are 1 hour each and on tuesday i am free is that possible that i am doin a double degree and i have that much time off?? is any1 in a similar position
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    quick question about late round offers...

    hey i change the order of my pref's that won't effect the offer i have accepted yet, right??
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    B med/ B busiess

    mine is on da 2nd FEb
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    BBusiness (First Year Subjects) Overview

    hey guys, i am gonna start my degree of B med sci and B business. do u think that the business degree is treated farily with the B med sci?? i am just really worried cause the course is with faculty of science so i fell as if the B med sci has an advantage over da B business, is that something...
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    Equity Scholarships

    my UAI was 79.05 and i had the EAS, is there a chance of me gettin da scholarship???
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    Financial 'need'...definition please?

    financial hardship is defined as "gettin payments from centerlink" and u have to get a statement from centerlink saying that u and ur family recieve such payments. thats wht i think anyways!!!!
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    Equity Scholarships

    for those of you who recieved da equity scholarship from UAC when did u submit your application??, cause i sent mine on da 3rd of jan (closing date 5th), then they sent me a letter a few days after saying that they have recieved it. However 2day i didn't recieve anything from them, does that...
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    equity scholarships

    did any1 get a letter 2day telling them if they have been accepted into the equity scholarship, cause i applied 4 it. but so far have recieved nothing.
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    how to get 2 UOW

    for those of you who live in sydney's western area, how do u get to UOW, on a regular basis. thank-you