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  1. honky tonk

    What do you guys do in SDD?

    I enjoyed SDD, had a good teacher too. :) There were no girls in our class of 8. :p
  2. honky tonk

    commencement ceremony?

    I'll go if my friends go. I'm such a sheep. :p
  3. honky tonk

    UAI Scaling: Advice from a 2003 Student

    So UAI's can still be calculated with only 8 units?
  4. honky tonk

    Hours a week...

    I think I have around 21/22 hours.. but it's alright because I barely have a life as it is. :p
  5. honky tonk

    Uni websites

    I think there are far too many differences between University courses for there to be a website on it. Different universities have different courses which have different subjects.. it would be too difficult to compile. That's why these forums have separate sections for different Universities...
  6. honky tonk

    The "Graduating" problem

    Hehe, don't worry.. If I were smart enough to have thought of that, I would have too! :p
  7. honky tonk


    Yeah I got it from the front desk. It was a yellow sheet of paper and has information about membership prices. It tells you how much it will cost for a certain area (e.g. Aquatics or Fitness) for a certain amount of time (12 months, 6 months, etc.)
  8. honky tonk


    My teacher told me once that The Human Story was known as the hardest, and Communication was the easiest. I did Communication (thankfully :D) and I think it was fairly easy compared to the core topics.
  9. honky tonk

    who studied?

    I remember studying a lot for Maths in the December/January holidays. Mind you, it was the beginning (and end) of my "Study hard - do well" phase. :D
  10. honky tonk


    I got a timetable the other day, it would cost me $229.00 a year for what I would want (Gym, Circuit, Aerobic classes). I'm still contemplating it..
  11. honky tonk

    our generation

    He was a bit creepy.. he used to make pathetic jokes that wouldn't even make me laugh.. and I'm easy to please when it comes to jokes. I remember he once asked a kid a question with the answer being "Jamaica", to which he replied "No, she did it of her own accord." It took me about three...
  12. honky tonk

    Dux of school

    Ours was based on ranks, but the same girl would have gotten dux had it been based on UAI. I wouldn't like the idea of dux being based on UAI though, because that would unfairly rule out students who opted not to get one.
  13. honky tonk

    The "Graduating" problem

    Where did you go to uncheck it? Where abouts on the website?
  14. honky tonk

    How Many Ppl In Yur Yr 12?

    130 people in our year. I liked having a smallish year, you get to know everybody. :)
  15. honky tonk

    Shortest Lunch

    I think I read in an article once than schools are allowed to give only half-hour breaks, but not many schools do because of health reasons. I'm pretty sure 45 minutes is legal.
  16. honky tonk

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    lol, that's pretty good advice. :p
  17. honky tonk

    UAI Scaling: Advice from a 2003 Student

    Good luck with it, let us know how things go. :)
  18. honky tonk

    UAI Scaling: Advice from a 2003 Student

    Yep, something is definitely wrong. Maybe you could stroll straight up to the UAC offices and demand an answer. :p
  19. honky tonk

    When you come across a word you don't know, do you look up its meaning? It has a Pronunciation Key. :)
  20. honky tonk

    UAI Scaling: Advice from a 2003 Student

    I get a UAI of 72.20. Very odd, indeed..