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  1. rama_v

    Biopolymers ???

    I'm not sure if many of you guys know of this biopolymer but its called BioSteel from Nexia technolgoies, its quite interesting...
  2. rama_v

    How did your maths 1/2 yearly go?

    1/2 mark cause of a silly error in the coordinate geo section 1 mark in similar triangles question (i got the corresponding sides wrong, i hate that stuff)
  3. rama_v

    Probability Help

    lol yeah Im so stupid :p Thanks slide
  4. rama_v

    Inside the Third Reich

    Unfortunately no :( sorry about that
  5. rama_v

    Probability Help

    4 B 4G BGBGBGBG 4!x4!x3!x3!x2!x2!x1!x1! x2 because u can start with a girl too. is that right? Its been a while since ive done permutations lol.
  6. rama_v

    The effect the depression had on Democracy in Germany up till 1934

    Im not sure but in any case you would be better off formulating your own argument... You would have to make an assessment as to the extent that the effects of the depression had on democracy in Germany. You would probably have to look into: - The economic troubles caused by the depression...
  7. rama_v

    achieving band 6s IPT

    Yeah. The wording is the problem, lol its probably just that i dont read the question properly in an exam. Data flow diagrams are pretty easy once u get used to them but they can take so long sometimes, in our exam we had one which has like three different processes each with their own databases...
  8. rama_v

    The TRUTH about IPT!!!

    Yeah ipt can be a bit boring at times but some parts are interesting (i.e. the practical work part). i finally learned how to make a realational database, and plus we made a really cool website for definitions about words used in communication systems, it was semi-pro doing that was quite fun...
  9. rama_v

    achieving band 6s IPT

    Yeah the only 'hard' part about IPT is the multiple choice and the system flow chart stuff (and perhaps the data flow diagrams). It cant be difficult, my brother didnt even make summaries and he ended up with band 6
  10. rama_v

    How did your maths 1/2 yearly go?

    Exceptionally hard test maybe?
  11. rama_v

    Inside the Third Reich

    Yeah it is...Our school library has it, but I couldnt find it at my local library, it must be a rare book lol.
  12. rama_v

    Inside the Third Reich

    Im not sure, is that the book Speer wrote himself (if my meory serves me corectly)? Im sure you can find many references and anlaysis to it in the books that document and criticise Speer's life, in that regard I would reccomend Joachim Fest's book "Speer: the Final Verdict" just in case you...
  13. rama_v

    How did your maths 1/2 yearly go?

    I was happy with my mark. I got 98% (test was out of 96) and I lost 1 and a half marks only. But it was an easy test, too bad the class average was only about 60% which says a lot about the state of maths students this year at our school lol.
  14. rama_v

    URGENT: Was Gitta Sereny a historian?

    A historian. At least Bruce Denett talks of her like that, and he must be right :)
  15. rama_v

    nazi opposition

    This is in fact quite a significant topic by itself. Basically (1) Yes, there was some oppposition and (2) No, it was not extremely effective in stopping the Nazis, at least until 1943. I searched up a thread with some more info on it...
  16. rama_v

    why am i getting the wrong answer? maxima and minima questions

    It means exactly what it says :) You cant keep repping someone...u have ppl other than slide rule too :D, it wont let you rep the same person over and over (for obvious reasons).
  17. rama_v


    Not necessarily - Validity, Reliability and accuracy are separate things though reliability does indeed affect the validity of an experiment. A more valid experiment accounts for many factors, such as error in measurement, and it also controls all variables (except of course the dependent variable).
  18. rama_v

    LOCUS question types - just a quick question

    Um Im not quite sure, maybe he means a question like this: "By using the perpendicular distance formula, find the locus of a point P(x,y) which is equidistant from the lines 3x + 4y =36 and 4x + 3y=24"??
  19. rama_v


    Validity generally refers to wether an experiment's method really achieves what it sets out to do. For example an experiment measuring the usefulness of a fertiliser is not going to be valid if the plants are not watered.
  20. rama_v

    Quick Question on Lenzs Law

    I second that.