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  1. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    No I didnt think it was that boring, and definitely it helps you with King LEar. Just dont rock up there without reading and uderstanding the play cause youll have no idea whos playin gwho, they juggle like 25 charcters with only 7 actors so one minute u see oswald and the next minute u see the...
  2. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    Its in early June. Im not sure about the exact date I got to confirm that...ur probably lucky ur not going to it, lol someone from my school said it wasnt as good as the bondi one but i dunno it might be different this year
  3. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    We are going to Queen lere in a couple of weeks. Its at erskinville (is that how you spell it? ) I think its near the city again :(
  4. rama_v

    Hitlers Seize To!plz

    I think your argument is pretty good. Try not to retell the story so much, concentrate on why what Hitler did was legal more than superfluous information such as what he wanted to do in Germany etc... I think you should focus on saying why it was legal more than anything else and I think your...
  5. rama_v

    Drop Supermagnet through aluminmum pipe Similar question with diagram
  6. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    Lighting was good music was pretty good too. It was well syncrhonised no one forogt their lines. But its such a small theatre
  7. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    I think its for the whole night $15 parking... it cost us $22 to see the play i dunno why some people paid the adult price. But at least you get to see the beach
  8. rama_v

    Speer assessment

    The Nazi War Machine deals with both but I would focus on Speers economic impact first and the different strategies he used to finally get Germany into total war (though whether this was achieved is arguable) after the death of Fritz Todt whom Speer succeeded and whos legacy he continued through...
  9. rama_v

    Hitlers Seize To!plz

    Ooh just remember to mention that the only reason Hitler wanted to gain power legally was that when he attempted to gain it illegally (i.e. the Munich Putsch) it failed, so he decided on a different course of action. With your agrument, what are you going to argue? That it was totally legal...
  10. rama_v

    USYD study day

    Our class went last year...the source analysis lecture was hopeless but the rest were very very good. I reccomend everyone goes :)
  11. rama_v

    Hitlers Seize To!plz

    Yeah its ok. defintely you can argue that what he did was totally legal. It just goes to show the weaknesses of the constitution if it allows a dictator to seize power legally, I guess..
  12. rama_v

    The Banberg conference

    I have never heard of it, and since google doesnt have many answers from a quick search I'd say it was a small conference (unless of course im mistaken) it in any textbook at all?
  13. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    lol. btw the play finishes at 10:15 and dont bother driving there it costs like 15 dollars for parking so you will have to get someone to wait by the gate oustide to pick you up
  14. rama_v

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    Our school went to see it on the 11th (Wednesday). I dunno what you guys are complaining about, lol, I thought it was quite good considering that they took a minimalistic approach. But anyway, I cant compare it to anything cause this is the first play ive actully been to...But our teachers said...
  15. rama_v

    Log integration

    Thanks :) ooh and yeah your right i should have said form e to e^2, my mistake.
  16. rama_v

    Log integration

    Can I please get some help on this integration question: If y = (lnx)/x , find dy/dx and hence show that [Int from e^2 to e] (1-lnx)/xlnx dx = ln2 -1 I can find dy/dx but I dont know where to go from there. (btw this is a 3 unit question.)
  17. rama_v

    Need quick help with something basic

    Yep same answer as my way...But yours is the better approach :)
  18. rama_v

    can i please get help on how to start my essay?

    hah i did this question last year for both my trial and hsc :) Your on the right track, perhaps you could start by saying that though the appeal of the Nazi party was widespread particulalry in the early 1930s, the end of the Weimar republic was caused more due to its own inherent weaknesses...
  19. rama_v

    Need quick help with something basic

    No log rules needed. The answer is just the 1.33th root of 7. Plug in 1.33 in your calculator, hit the x(sqrt)y button and then hit 7 should get like 4.3192 or someting. Answering these questinos is no different to, say, solving x^2 = 4. You just take the root of both sides, in this case...
  20. rama_v

    discussion re: Speer

    How much will you pay me :p lol Speak to me on msn ;)