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  1. rama_v

    im doin this by distance education

    Modern History isn't really hard, you can probably get good marks (easily band 5) with minimal teacher assistance. Its mroe the content that gets ppl, not because its difficult but because theres so much of it....The best way is to read from a number of sources. Sometimes reading the textbooks...
  2. rama_v

    UAI's for modern

    Not in hsc year... j/k. I think most of us are just bored so we post on here...As for how 96 in modern didnt get counted, Ive got no idea, those ppl probably got 100 uai (or close to it)...
  3. rama_v

    space - GEO/LEO and relativity

    The sylabus quotes: "compare qualitatively low Earth and geo-stationary orbits" No mentioning of geo-synchronous orbits. Geo-stationary: 1. Of, relating to, or being a satellite that travels above Earth's equator from west to east at an altitude of approximately 35,900...
  4. rama_v

    Does Crest = Compression

    Yes.... But a lot of the time sound waves are graphed similarly to transverse waves - they use pressure on the vertical scale and it so thats where you get the troughs and crests from which correspond to rarefactions and compressions.
  5. rama_v

    Worst ways to get out in cricket

    lol, thats a pretty bad way to get out. Also being a batter and picking out the only fielder in the deep would be very unlucky too...
  6. rama_v

    who is the second best cricketer ever?

    Yeah, Strauss looks an awesome player, I hardly saw him beign beaten by the ball in the tests against S Africa recently. I cant wait till the ashes to see how good he plays against the Aussies, I think Salman Butt is another exciting prospect (in terms of openers)
  7. rama_v

    who is the second best cricketer ever?

    Your right about Dravid, he's probably too defensive to be considered among the greats but thats the sort of player he is (like Kallis). Anyway about the "down to earth" issue, you seem to suggest that Dravid/Sachin have achieved very little that they can boast about. Let me just show you...
  8. rama_v

    Worst ways to get out in cricket

    Getting out handle the ball is pretty bad, like Steve Waugh in India (triggered a collapse). Also trodding on your stumps is no fun, I remember Kallis did that once here in Aus...
  9. rama_v

    Harbahjan Singh

    I think on current form Dan Vetorri is a way better spinner than any1 else in the world. Its hard to say atm about Murali, he hasnt played since his shoulder operation.I think Harbhajan doesnt pick up enough wickets outside the sub-continent to be a truly great spinner (not yet anyway). But in...
  10. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    lol I would like to add however much the argument gets heated, I support all religions, I do not think its wrong not to believe in God, and I do not wish to convert anyone either.
  11. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    Im Hindu. Even God is not above the Laws of Karma. Nor would there be any need to stop it.
  12. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    I think that was excellent, its the point that shoudl be stressed
  13. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    You are right to a degree, but God doesn't control nature, he simply creates the rules . We humans are the ones that disrupt them. If you burn too much fuel, you end up with GLobal Warming and flooods and droughts. All of a sudden, they are Gods fault. Now whose faults are they?
  14. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    Unfortunately I have not read the bible, the Old testament etc. But I dotn believe that God would get angry or be incompassionate, because that beats the defniition of God - the perfect soul.
  15. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    Who said that? Do you believe that God causes death and destruction etc? Thats not God, its nature. THat bad thigns happen are explained by two philosophies, that of karma and reincarnation. e.g. Buddhists believe that if you make someone else's life miserable, then you in turn will suffer in a...
  16. rama_v

    Does God Exist?

    Im with you. I think that only a vengeful and incompassionate, selfish God would allow that to happen. (btw I do believe in God, but I dont expect others to)
  17. rama_v

    How do u assess how effective a source "might have been"?????

    It depends on what the source was. I suppose if you are looking at a propaganda poster you would have to consider the atitudes of teh people at the time, the policies of the government, the social/economic conditions etc.
  18. rama_v

    question projectile motion

    You most likely will NOT get a question like this in the hsc, because it cannot be solved using first principles (thats what our teacher said, anyway). But I'm sure it can be solved, maybe those in extension 1 maths doign projectile motion can answer it...
  19. rama_v

    East Asian Earthquake

    Lots of European countries are giving aid, Britain is leading with about 95 million or so. I think Japan is the highest contributor now, they have increased aid to over 600 million dollars (its in todays sunday telegraph)...Even East Timor, one of the poorest in the world, donated $50 grand.
  20. rama_v

    How to get band 6 answers???

    I dont think u can refer to movies. But u can refer to primary soruces, e.g. somethign that, say, general Haig said, or some lines out of a speech from Albert Speer. I never heard of anyone quoting a movie, although those doing UN might want to quote "Black hawk Down" for fun :) To the topic...