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  1. rama_v

    Which came first? Concentration Camps or Ghettos

    Camps for political prisoners were set up just after the Nazis came to power. I dont know whether you would call these concetration camps though...But yes if your definition of a concentration camp is a death camp such as Aushwitz/Birkenau then Ghettos came first. Either way the importnat thing...
  2. rama_v

    Amount of work in HSC Mod. History...!

    Yeah there is a lot of work. Unfortunately there's no easy way around it...Try summarising different topics with friends and sharing maybe? thats what I did...But then again I was lucky enough to do modern in yr 10 and 11 so I didnt have any other hsc subjects to worry about. The only way you...
  3. rama_v

    Anti Islam converence lists Abbot

    Dont forget that Christians have also been guilty of this and even more in teh past...just think treatment of Aboriginal people, missionaries in India, witchhunts, slavery, etc. ...But yes it is wrong to oppress any religion and I totally agree with you.
  4. rama_v


    I think a similar question was asked at here's what the maths professor says: "We're already very close to coming up with a general formula for the coefficient of any term in the trinomial expansion. We just don't have a single...
  5. rama_v

    Polynomial question....What the hell

    Is that a 4 unit question? I do 3 unit and have never come across a question like that...
  6. rama_v


    Weel you coud look into dividing it into categories, such as the economy, the idea of a "terror state", the media, the Nazi Party rallies and organisations and how these affected the people, the role of Hitler as a Leader of teh people, as well as how Nazi ideology affected ordinary Germans such...
  7. rama_v

    Role and impact of women in Nazi Germany

    This is in fact a huge section, the book by Mason (I dont know what its called though, but its on Nazi Germany) is a very good source. Basically it says that a woman's place in the Volksgemeinschaft was to be a housewife and look after the Children (the slogan "Children, Kitchen, Church" was...
  8. rama_v

    socialism/communism and the Nazi party

    They weren't really socialist in the term we know it today. Hitler's view was that as long as all companies and people worked for Germany, they didnt need regulation or control. You could argue that the beneifts for workers (such as the Strength through Joy and Beauty of Work initiatives)...
  9. rama_v

    battle of stalingrad

    They are cutting it out for the 2006 HSC but then again they are replacing it with a new topic called wars in Europe and most schools will probably end up doing that anyway. But yeah theres plenty of stuff to write about Stalingrad. It was the first major defeat for the Germans, highlihgted...
  10. rama_v

    Bit/Baud Rate

    Thanks Heaps :)
  11. rama_v

    Bit/Baud Rate

    Can anyone please explain to me the difference between bit rate and baud rate? I heard that baud rate has something to do with the maximum amount of signal changes per second...but I am not realy sure. Any answers?
  12. rama_v

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Actually the Geneva convention forbids any torture against POWS. In fact the only thing that you can do to a POW is ask him/her a question, the POW need not even answer. If there is any doubt as to whether a prisoner is a POW or not then they must go through a trial and determine this on a case...
  13. rama_v

    Flying Flag banned

    You cant take anything away form the Anzacs. The Turks were alongside the Germans, so an invasion to allow a better trade route to Russia was justified in that context. Besides, teh Anzacs went to fight for Britain, not Australia, and if you read into the storeis of the Anzacs you will see that...
  14. rama_v

    interpret results of m-morley

    Basically the null result meant that 1) the aether theory had to be modified or 2) the aether theory had to be discarded. As Xayma said it was orinigaly modified but those predictions were proved false and so Einstein (who actually beleived that there was an aether for a long time) came up...
  15. rama_v

    Lateral Thinking - Eric DeBono

    Wasnt he the guy who made the seven thinking hats? we learnt a bit about him in Year 9....After you learn about the hats you really do think differently, albeit for a couple of weeks at most.
  16. rama_v

    how well do markers know quotes?

    I dont think thats true. My teacher said the markers get split up. For example the peoplelwho do mark the indochina papers will be teachers who are currently teaching that topic/or who have taught that topic in the past. The quotes, you would be surprised that many markers do know all the...
  17. rama_v

    Projectile motion Q

    I think u got the question right, I tried it and got the same. Obviously they made some sort of an error in the book...
  18. rama_v

    xbox games

    Splinter Cell is awesome, even if u only have a passing interest in tennis Id reccoment Top Spin, its an awesome game. Halo is pretty good as is burnout and fable (already mentioned), I think Ninja Gaiden is also good b ut I havent played that,...But yeah the two Splinter Cell games are awesome...
  19. rama_v

    Pros & cons of modern history?

    Pros: Easy to study for, you know what the content is, and most of it is very itneresting. Cons: Like ppl have said, broken hands after exams, RSI from typing too many essays/assignments on the computer, a lot of reading. Studyign isn't hard, I foudn that the best way to do things like...
  20. rama_v

    Modern Hiso?

    If you have an interest in history and are willing to work hard, I think its really worth it... You get a lot of knowledge and by doing it you automatcially improve your essay writing skills and get better at strucuturing arguments, overall a lot of it is very interesting although I suppose it...