Why waste your time when no one can give you a definative estimate? Obviously, to achieve your goal, you have to improve your ranks and perform well in the externals, so just study. Common sense.
There does. Have a read of the Scaling FAQ.
Irrespective of whether English or Maths Extension courses are more popular, there is a perception at BOS that the skills taught in English are generally more imperative than the skills...
Y-es, but as I've said before, there needs to be a common subject for scaling. So, no matter what subject was selected, there would always inevitably be people who considered it irrelevant/a waste of time. You have to cater for the majority.
Because these subjects are not as imperative for most people.
*sigh* Obviously, this subject can be debated ad nauseum. I guess the bottom line then is that currently, the Board of Studies clearly perceives English to be of greater value than other subjects, and has thus selected it as the...
Check your facts on how the system actually functions before you made yourself look even more idiotic. *shakes head* It is beyond me how someone who attends Sydney Boys (and is therefore supposedly in the upper echelons of academic proficiency) can make such unfounded, ignorant and utterly...
That right there, is probably the most ill-informed and factually incorrect statement I've read on this forum in a very long time. And that is saying a lot about the level of stupidity this reflects on your behalf. You can achieve a UAI of 100.00 in any school.
No, it's not shallow. It's...
Well obviously, you would need to discuss in depth the relationship you select. As the Q asks you to "evaluate its significance to the play as a whole", I would also relate the relationship back to the play's key themes/ideas.
Due to all the confusion about how internal/external marks of you and your peers can affect your mark, here is the way I understand it to work:
Ok. So your HSC mark is 50% internal and 50% external. However, your internal marks will undergo a process of moderation. This serves as an...
This is one of the questions I have for PE:
Explain how the social justice principles are reflected by access to health care facilities and services. List the priority areas for improving Australia's health.
To me, it seems like answering two completely unrelated questions. Am I missing...
Is anyone alse entirely apathetic/ambivalent on this issue? Most of the time, I am really passionate one way or the other in politics, but with this I couldn't really care less....
Can someone that's either stongly opposed or strongly for the change justify their stance?
Yes, they are different:
Criminal Law: law that deals with acts or omissions deemed injurous to society as a whole and punishable by the state.
Civil law: Law that deals with disputes between individual citizens or institutions.
The proceedings in a civil case differ considerably to that...
Its up to you, but I like the contribution of the depression to the rise of Nazism, the role of the German Army in undermining teh republic and Nazism as totaliitarianism. They all have good historiography, but esp. the last one.
*Gleichschaltung (sp?) :p (as Kujah said, reforming all facets of society and culture to conform to the state's interests.
*The Enabling Act 1933 (disbanded other political parties, effectively dissolved the Weimer constitution)
*Neutralising potential political threats from within (E.g...