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    iPhone connectivity

    They look shit nicer though, the others look like blocks of dog turd and are confusing to use.

    iPhone connectivity

    Damn, I really want something I can show off without having to worry about it fucking up if I go for a run. I also hate having to carry multiple items with me, it sucks having the phone + glasses + wallet + keys + mp3 player + few train times on a scrap piece of paper every time I go exploring.

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    I don't think drug use is much of an indicator of intelligence.

    iPhone connectivity

    Highwayman is getting an iphone worth it? I've never had a decent phone in my life and I like the idea of combining the phone + mp3 player. The price and apple software scares me though. Is it worth the $700 or am I better off waiting till prices drop? Plus how reliable are they? I jog...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    I was sitting around with her whilst her mother was talking about how terrible she was at maths. The mother threw around basic questions (20% of $160) and she had no clue. I'm pretty shit at maths too, I don't know what a means or a median is. There was a range as well, and something else...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Lol, I always think, if I got the kind of marks I do in extension/2U Religion/Ancient history in maths and the hard sciences I'd fricken rule. Whilst it is pure theory it would not suprise me one iota if the government skewed the education system to encourage more people into...

    Girls, do you prefer talkative or quiet guys?

    a little off topic I really want to meet a quiet girl. It's difficult enough talking to the outgoing ones, let alone the ones who don't even talk to guys.

    Year 12 Regrets

    Hells yeah. I always think 'one more day' before an exam would help me ace the bitch.

    Year 12 Regrets

    It's getting towards the big crunch - whilst I'm sure there's a lot of ground to gain I imagine for many of us hindsight identifies some major hiccups along the HSC year. My own: - Not choosing extension 2 english. Both my parents are english teachers and since a young age my mother told me...

    USyd and UTS open day.

    Hey guys, I had to study for assessments and missed the open day (I'm from maitland so going to sydney isnt a quick trip into town). I was wondering if anyone could give me some reports on the UTS open day, what were the faculties like and what was discussed? I'd really appreciate as much...

    UTS Info Days - 30 Aug (City), 10 Sept (K-G)

    Hey guys, I missed the UTS open day as I was studying for assessments. I'm really upset about it because I was looking forward to it forever... Can anyone tell me what happened at the law lecture and some of the information they provided? preferably things which I couldn't just find on the...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Heh, might be a nice way of meeting TEH LADIES :D Good luck in your ancient test!

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    In my entire life I've been to Sydney a dozen times and I've met a total of 3 asians. No joke. My friends and I thought it was amazing when the 3 asian kids in our school by chance walked in the same direction at a close proximity. In Sydney I'm going to go tropo :P

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Geegal Share apartment 4 Bedrooms (see note 2) Half year (26 weeks): $4,485 Yearly (52 weeks): $8,970 Share Apartment 3 Bedroom (see note 2) Half year (26 weeks): $4,680 Yearly (52 weeks): $9,360Best deals I could find. $9K for shared accomedation with 3 other students ain't bad at all.

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Yes, I priced it all and it ends up around $150 a week for rent (which isnt bad at all) and with a part time job and my parents tutoring more students I could swing it. The other option is living with my aunt for the days I have uni (because her apartment doesnt have a spare room) and coming...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Lol, every solution comes back to giving out handjobs :D

    Law school rankings

    It doesn't really, I didn't really see it that way. I made a mistake and I apologise. I find it frustrating though that the only thing you have to go off is 'so and so's friend who knows this guys says X uni is better' Perhaps you could email a president of a law society? Surely they'd have...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Pfft at your parents, ancient history and teaching are awesome, Mac's ancient history course would be on my preference list if I lived in sydney. I've got a friend going down there to do the same thing as you. Any idea what language/civilisation you'd major in? I want to be a lawyer. Part of...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Haha, fuck yes. its a major disadvantage, particually in history where you need access to expensive text books which shit teachers don't have. Being a humanities freak I'm in the same boat as you. I'm going to do well (I get most marks in the mid 90s) but I know its silly to aim for 99.xx...