You uni students are no fun. Why, if I were a mad-cool uni student answering nooby HSC student's answers I'd do stuff like make up bullshit graphs showing how getting a 80 UAI will mean that per semester you can be guarenteed a distinction, 2 high credits and a pass.
I always ask this question,
Is UNSW and USyd law REALLY 99.30-.55 or is it just inflated?
Because what, 800+ kids get 99.xx a year? UNSW has 2200 graduates and Sydney 1700? I mean, how many people actually want to do law?
It always ends with some wanker saying people are snobs for even considering it, and that their friend knows someone who got a 65 and yet ends up a rhodes scholar.
Edit: and the kid who got the 100.40 but couldn't cope with uni cause he was a 'spoon fed private school kid who didn't know...
My parents (who are teachers) know kids with low UAIs are dumbshits.
My Dad does this hell funny thing every year. He always gets a dumbshit standard english class who have put in no work all year and muck around. So some 2 weeks before school ends and they start getting really nervous he...
Is it just me or do all the really screwed up people want to be psyches?
Like there's this autistic dude who wants to do it... He once cried because some kids left the cuboard doors in a classroom open.
A bit of the blind leading the blind imo