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    Question on Christian Environmental Ethics

    I'd scaffold your essay like this: Intro - Define environmental ethics - Give thesis answering question 1st paragraph - Explore in general how Christianity's reponse to the environment has changed over time (in the colonial period many churches pushed Christians to dominate and subdue pagan...

    what does the hsc actually measure.

    Yeah, apologies. Anyone who does modern history will know what I'm talking about though. There's always a bunch of dropkicks who can memorise the exact dimensions of any battleship which ever fought in WWII and seem to expouse these really leftfield observations of any war, yet you put them in...

    what does the hsc actually measure.

    Agreed. It gives me the fucking shits when kids my age have political views, let alone views on anything.

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Hey I'm noticing something... Whilst I think this kid is a moron because he's attacking academic disiplines which have been highly regarded for hundreds of years (the histories and religious studies) and he's a complete hypocrite doing visual art, cafs, PE, soc, engineering studies and all...


    Haha, our school has a $10K scholarship for a male and female school based on academic results. WOOHOO half my rivals are knocked out cause I have a penis! There's still the chinese boy who's fuck good at maths though...

    Which HSC course is better. Business studies OR Legal studies??

    You don't have to learn about abos, they make up a tiny portion of the family law topic, and you might make reference to circle sentencing once or twice in crime. Both courses are similar so I'd say go with your marks, which has the best teacher and which has the best students. At our school...

    Psychology at Newy Uni

    Wtf is development studies? (I want a male explanation)

    Psychology at Newy Uni

    Told yah they're wack. Do pharmacy. You can pick up hot chicks who will make an income, or if you just want a boozed up slut, communications.

    Psychology at Newy Uni

    Pfft, if he's wacked up and wants to do psycology then you must be too, its a fact of life. And go to USyd cause I went there on tuesday and it was the coolest thing I've ever seen.

    what does the hsc actually measure.

    Lmao, underlying message: I'm expecting a 70.

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    Holy fucking Christ you are a stupid piece of shit, shown by your complete ignorance of religion and devalueing of the humanities. Just because it isn't a 'prequisite for any university course' doesn't mean its valueless, you do extension french for fucks sake, apart from one arts major (french...

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    All Saints College St Marys Maitland. It's actually a very nice school (its Dominican and over 200 years old) but being in a rural area it tends to attract a lot of kids who dont really care much for education.

    Prestige: important factor, or most important factor?

    IMO most important factor. If one was doing a B Cocksucking or B Piitb then one should certainly go to UWS cause it's got the prestige and the practical element which USyd and UNSW lack. However, it would be acceptable if a student didn't get the required UAI to complete their...

    what does the hsc actually measure.

    I think it's an indication of the kind of person you are. Like, you tend to find that kids with a 97+ are better people then those who get in the 70s. (I troll)

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    Lol, I love sharing waaay private info on forums :D

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    Yeah my ex is looking at it. She might need to do a bridging course though as she only lasts 40 seconds before her nose gets blocked.

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    We get about 20ish (though we're the 4th largest cohort in the state) They're still held in a massively high regard. We get about 3-5 kids with a 97+ and one kid with a 99.xx who becomes 'the great Sam O'Brian' or whoever and everyone will go on about them for a year.

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    LMFAO Other notable topics: - Law vs Medicine - Maquarie vs UTS - Is there really a B Cocksucking course offered at UWS?

    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    I suppose, I'm seriously not fussed about doing a straight arts degree for a year though (and communications/law at USyd is an extra year) Someone posted on here earlier that its even competitive to transfer over (beyond a 97+ UAI and a distinction average) Also if you did a straight arts...

    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    Lol, to be honest I dismissed the awesomeness of USyd until I actually saw it. It is possibly one of the most beautiful group of buildings I've ever seen, everyone seemed really friendly and never in my life have I felt a greater desire to sit around on the grass. Really makes me wish I'd...