You have to mention quite a few (I think the minimum is 4) in the historical period and a few in the last personality question but yeah.
In the exam room they circle the amount of times you wrote 'because' on your paper. The marking criteria is vague 'Gives a detailed explanation of X' - if...
Fair enough not all of them are slogging it out for a 99 UAI but still, those who provide education should be those who had a good grasp of it in the first place.
Family - yes
World order - definately
law and society + crime = no.
Edit: I may have confused you, some twat with a lip in their avatar is posting rubbish.
Probably why it scales like rubbish.
Man I worry about the next generation of kids. All the dumbos in my year want to do teaching due to the low uai/scholarships available. Once this older generation of teachers cark it we're really going to see standards plummet.
Thank you oh great two...
My apologies. Your comment about 'bsing ancient history' made you look quite ignorant.
IMO I dont like either. In legal studies and religion you can prepare your essays which is much more fair on students who actually do the work.
If I had my time again I would have dropped modern history...
The standard for ancient history is incredibly low...
An overwhelming majority of schools are taught ancient history by someone who didn't study it (a gneral humanities teacher) and don't mark so they focus on memorising big wads of content from those studid maquarie and excel guides.
It really depends on the teacher. And yes it is easier to break open ancient sources, there problems are bleedingly obvious (eg Herodotus claims Xerxes destroyed the statue of Marduk and then later claims to have seen it).
Certainly the amount of content in ancient presents a problem. My...
The standard is lower, and in all probability you have a teacher who doesn't even mark the HSC. By the sounds of it you obviously have no idea of the hierarchy of source useage.
Bullshit its easier then modern.
The majority of modern history sources write from a revisionist, post WWII viewpoint so problems with historiography are obvious.
Ancient history which uses sources from 500BC to the present requires a far greater depth and variety rather then 'primary and...
Definately ancient - there's FAR more content (as many of the questions dont derive from the 'key questions and issues')
for example, they can only ask you about 3 questions in the modern history personality module, in ancient they can ask you about a dozen.
At the same time most modern...