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  1. dangerousdave

    Where are you up2?

    My class is up to roots of unity.
  2. dangerousdave

    I PODs...

    I dont think so. You only need 3rd party apps to retrieve your mp3s.
  3. dangerousdave

    I PODs...

    you can play solitare on it
  4. dangerousdave

    "HERO" the MOVIE.. WHO's SEEN IT? LOVED IT? -> possible SPOILERS depending on others)

    I just saw it, great movie... Simple plot, yet still a good one. I liked the first fight with Sky, he was cool, wish he played a bigger part in the movie. When the Qin army attacked the calligraphy house, that was cool watching all the arrows fly in. Fight scene did start to get repetitve...
  5. dangerousdave

    Winamp is dead

    Does anyone use itunes as an mp3 player? I have it, but only use it for transfering songs onto my ipod, I wish the winamp plugin worked better.
  6. dangerousdave

    What would you prefer to call your teachers by?

    I dont think its disrepectful to call a teacher by their first name, though its not very common. I'm just used to calling my teachers sir/miss, some of my teachers have very long last names and I couldnt be bothered to try and pronounce them all the time.
  7. dangerousdave

    Winamp is dead

    I think I know what you mean. It happens to me sometimes with big avi files.
  8. dangerousdave

    Winamp is dead

    They are the only reasons i use it
  9. dangerousdave

    Winamp is dead

    Well Im sticking to winamp
  10. dangerousdave

    thanks snapperhead

    Yeah, I'll thank you in advanced because I know you'll probally be helping me a fair bit this/next year. (Unless I drop SoR, which is a large possibility)
  11. dangerousdave

    ISP report..

    May I suggest Islam, they've been in the media a fair bit over the last few months/years.
  12. dangerousdave

    shuld i do 4u? :S

    I think you should do 4U. My 4U teacher keeps teeling us that 4U is fun...
  13. dangerousdave

    Can't do complex numbers question

    I'm confused about the (x/2). Where the hell does that come from?
  14. dangerousdave

    Year 10 BOS'ers make the SMH

    SMH is a very lazy newspaper. They've used BoS a few times now.
  15. dangerousdave

    Can't do complex numbers question

    Can someone who is good at 4 unit please do this question for me? I can't even start the question.
  16. dangerousdave

    Censorship on school computers

    My school has too many sites blocked, can't go anywhere, cant even do reasearch and they're fucking slow. Oh well, I never use the school comps anyway.
  17. dangerousdave

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    My Desktop Yes, i have two quick launches for some reason. I got the background from this site called where people post their artwork (and some of them look damn good, makes me wish i was an artist) My desktop is relatively...
  18. dangerousdave

    Resolution Size...what do you have?

    1280x1024 19" Flat CRT
  19. dangerousdave

    What Pen?

    I refuse to use a pen which ink comes out easily because I tend to hold my pen down on the page as I'm thinking, so I just use ball-point biros. And I must write in blue.
  20. dangerousdave

    What do you reckon?

    Yeah... i wouldnt give a shit if he was vice captian. It means nothing.