I just saw it, great movie... Simple plot, yet still a good one.
I liked the first fight with Sky, he was cool, wish he played a bigger part in the movie.
When the Qin army attacked the calligraphy house, that was cool watching all the arrows fly in.
Fight scene did start to get repetitve...
I dont think its disrepectful to call a teacher by their first name, though its not very common.
I'm just used to calling my teachers sir/miss, some of my teachers have very long last names and I couldnt be bothered to try and pronounce them all the time.
Yeah, I'll thank you in advanced because I know you'll probally be helping me a fair bit this/next year.
(Unless I drop SoR, which is a large possibility)
My school has too many sites blocked, can't go anywhere, cant even do reasearch and they're fucking slow.
Oh well, I never use the school comps anyway.
My Desktop
Yes, i have two quick launches for some reason.
I got the background from this site called deviantart.com where people post their artwork (and some of them look damn good, makes me wish i was an artist)
My desktop is relatively...
I refuse to use a pen which ink comes out easily because I tend to hold my pen down on the page as I'm thinking, so I just use ball-point biros.
And I must write in blue.