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  1. dangerousdave

    HARRY POTTER: Has anybody noticed....?

    She's gonna kill him.
  2. dangerousdave

    Media File?

    How did/is everyone keeping thier media file? I know some people are using display folders, scarp books, I even know someone who's keeping it electronic on his computer. So what do you think is the best way?
  3. dangerousdave

    addicting online games?

    Too true, its also got these wankers who try to pick up eg "Hey baby, strip for me and I'll give you equipment". I couldnt stand it.
  4. dangerousdave

    Is 14 Units Suicide?

    My friends who do eng ext said it was pretty much the opposite; minimal class work but very hard assignments/exams. They said for half their lessons all they did was watch videos. It's probally just their teacher.
  5. dangerousdave

    what do you use 2 d/l music

    I used to use kazaa lite, but that is simply full of shit files that have static sounds throughout the song. Then I used shareza, but my isp caught me downloading copyrighted music and sent me a letter of 'halt & desist'.
  6. dangerousdave

    Contest by Matthew Reilly (Matthew Reilly thread)

    Hey Kwayera, I ended up buyinh scarecrow in paperback form and read it, and then i got HCR from RCMasterAA (from that convosation we had before the holidays). btw, HCR is out in book form, I saw it at Big W a week ago.
  7. dangerousdave


    Maybe it's a sign you should get circumcised
  8. dangerousdave

    Internet Speed

    I have 1500/256 ADSL, I wish I had cable though. Shame I live in a unit and they wont offer it to me.
  9. dangerousdave

    Is 14 Units Suicide?

    How are you coping with the workload?
  10. dangerousdave

    Is 14 Units Suicide?

    I talked to my teacher today, he said he strongly advises me to drop to at least 13 units. He also said if I really wanted to i could try 14 units and if I can't handle it, then drop something. So I've decided to go with 14 units for a few weeks.
  11. dangerousdave

    Really dumb question about icons

    Theres a button down the bottom named "customize desktop" and it opens up another window thing. That has the change icon thingo.
  12. dangerousdave

    Really dumb question about icons

    Try my suggestion
  13. dangerousdave

    Really dumb question about icons

    Right click, properties, desktop tab, customize desktop,
  14. dangerousdave

    Is 14 Units Suicide?

    Is 14 units suicide, with 4 units of math. Is anybody else doing 14 units or has done 14 units? any advice? I'm doing: Chem Phys Eng Adv 4u math SoR 2 Eco
  15. dangerousdave

    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    Picking up 4 Unit maths and dropping 1 unit of SoR, so I'm doing: 4 Unit maths 1 Unit SoR Physics Eng Adv Chem Eco
  16. dangerousdave

    dropping 2 unit maths to general....

    Welcome to the forum! Opposite thing happened with my school, not enough teachers for two 3 unit classes, so there was a full 3 unit class and a 2/3 unit mixed class. Lots of the 3 unit people in that class failed after half yearlys so they dropped to 2 unit and caused a merger of the...
  17. dangerousdave

    Prelim Yearly Results!!! :-D

    So far: Chem 74% Physics 86% Math: ?? Mth Ext: ?? Eng Ad: 60% Eco: 86% SoR: ??
  18. dangerousdave

    dropping 2 unit maths to general....

    If your getting 20% on a regular basis then you probally should either drop to general or drop math altogether.
  19. dangerousdave

    Prelim Yearly Results!!! :-D

    I got 74% for Chem and 86% for Phys. Havent got others back yet.