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  1. M

    anyone else SCREWEDDD for HSC EXAM ancient history?

    ahhhh i still got to go over new kingdom egypt !!!
  2. M

    anyone else SCREWEDDD for HSC EXAM ancient history?

    what wrong with you people? Im fine with pompeii,sparta and hatshepsut, but im kinda screwed for new kingdom egypt because you got to memorise really long military activites that had taken place. Sparta...its just simple. it asks you dot points straight from the syallabus.
  3. M

    do we HAVE to know a case study

    a friend is telling me that we need to know one case study because one of the essay questions is gonna have 2 options for you too chose from but u have to answer them based on a country other than australia. is this right? because im not gonna waste time learning about a whole countries economy.
  4. M

    The Dioscuri

    basically the disoscuri were two brothers, castor and polydeus, who were the brothers of Helen of Troy. They are associated with athletics,horse riding and something else. They were physical human beings but were considered gods. There were considered sparta protectors. They also had shrines and...
  5. M

    The great rhetra..what exactly is it?

    also, Lycurgus was conisdered a god. It is also not yet known if lycurgus ever existed.
  6. M

    anyone else SCREWEDDD for HSC EXAM ancient history?

    lol is that tongue ring for blow jobs and by the way, you dont need quotes for ancient...are you really stupid? You just have to remember peoples names and names of buildings. We aint doin englishhh...were trying to do ancienttttttt.
  7. M

    Exam Thoughts

    how long is the exam anyway? i dont do bio. im guessing 3 hours. hows the structure? multiple choice,short answers and 2 essays?
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    Exam Thoughts

    im at home, just gonna start studying for ancient bitches while you do your biology exam BEAYTCH
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    anyone else SCREWEDDD for HSC EXAM ancient history?

    ancient is easy compared to economics and legal studies. that only thing i have problems with is my 4th topic - new kingdom egypt.
  10. M

    Practice HSC Style Questions

    shit.......the only one i found easy for crime was the 2002 paper...all the other just talk shit. I better go study >_>
  11. M

    help please!!!

    for first one...tribunals,ngos,rigo's,UN etc.. 2nd one i dont know.
  12. M

    Very much last minute...

    media articles,documents? When we are writing our essays for family, do we need to actually include those? for world order u can just give examples of the countries that were in conflict but for crime and family?
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    Answers to General Maths Exam

    yeh, its just one of the benefits for being employed full time
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    find the curved surface question

    good. but id like to say im officially screwed. i was looking at the answers and i did very bad on multiple hoping for my ranks in my social sciences to get me at least a 80 uai :(
  15. M

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    for that question, was the answer (4 x weakly wage) + (17.5% x 4 weeks wage)?
  16. M

    So using the materials here, how did you do.

    are the markers lineate? i remember im my school cert i got like 70-80s in all my subjects without studying and my internal marks were like 50-60s....
  17. M

    find the curved surface question

    ...i cant even remember...but was the surface area of the curved part like a couple of hundred lower than the total volume? remember that there was a NOT TO SCALE sign there.
  18. M

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    hmmm...did we have to draw a table? i dont even remember...someone refresh my memory? now i feel like i have left out some questions * jumps in front of a bus* i just feel so inscure....WHAT TABLE WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DRAW??!?! there was also a question that we needed to draw a graph. was the...
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    find the curved surface question

    for that question, did u have to do : 5000( random number, i forgot what the volume given was) = (simpsons rule area)+(side area)+(end area)+x(represents the curved)? FUCK! I just remebered...was there 2 simpson rule areas? because i only did one side....someone PLEASE tell me that there wasnt...
  20. M

    So using the materials here, how did you do.

    whats the state average?i heard it was like 75. Im hoping i got like 75-85...but i wouldnt be suprised if i got like 60's :(