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  1. M

    QUESTION 25?? what was that?

    although that might be right, the marker might not give you a mark for stupidity(25 cent coin, anyone?) anyway, i write picking a red marble out of a bag of 3 red marbles and 1 white marble. I didnt right picking a "random" marble though...will that matter?
  2. M

    How do you actually study for family?

    dont do past papers man its a waste of time. all these gooses probably stay home all day trying to memorise points but forget them at the end of the day. All you gotta do is take it step by step. First, learn the family arrangements, marriages etc. Next day( or the next hour) focus on...
  3. M

    why is it hard studying for family?

    i dont have trouble with crime and world order, but for family, i just seem to forget everything. Maybe its because of all the acts we need to remember!!
  4. M

    HSC: Recommended websites/study guides/books

    use the macquaire legal studies book. Its simple, and straight to the point. Its really good for revising :) But keep in mind though, you shouldnt use it as your only text for study, because it doesnt go in-depth into topics.
  5. M

    Last minute help!

    Is there a abbreviation "message" for the sentencing process for crime and for the criminal process too? Thanks
  6. M

    Very much last minute...

    wow...i do all those topics too. Bascially, you dont need to worry about human rights and Law & Society TOO much because its just multiple choice and a couple of short answers for those. Focus more on Family. World order is piss easy. Crime is also easy. The only thing i cant really study for...
  7. M

    What formulas are not on the formula sheet?

    yeh its the load repayment forumlae. Also know that the radius of the earth is 6400km. It'll probably tell you in the question anyway.
  8. M

    What formulas are not on the formula sheet?

    the contribution per period forumlae isnt there. Its the present value formulae inversed.
  9. M

    i need the 2006 hsc answers

    thanks but i aleady got the multiple choice answers from he resources. i need answers for section 2.
  10. M

    i need the 2006 hsc answers

    i need them...anybody got it? thanks
  11. M

    Spherical Geometry

    oops, ignore this.
  12. M

    Spherical Geometry

    to find the distance between 2 points on the earth surface, you need the latitude. So lets get 2 examples of latitude - 37degrees N and 21 degrees S. Firstly, you got to add 37 and 21, because they are on opposite sides of the equator. You get 58 DEGREES. 1 degree = 60miles. Therefore you do 58...
  13. M

    Simple Question

    nah dont think so.
  14. M

    SIGNIFICANT TIPS To Remember Before & During Your General Math Exam Next Week!!

    These are just general, obvious tips. Move along people, nothing to see here.
  15. M

    Section III- how did u set it out

    my last section was all about types of marketing and ratios...thats all
  16. M

    was there ratios?

    i cant really remember...what was their any ratios?
  17. M

    Why you feel you may faill.l....

    i fucked up for section 3 pretty bad. I wrote about 16 pages or something
  18. M

    Architecture In Helsinki :D

    go to a private school then u cheap bastard
  19. M


    please ive got alot of hunnys i can buy u alot of sutffs even though it doesnt matter to u because u live in mosman which means ur loaded with hunnys anwyay but i can show u how much i love u... sometimes they say love is blind, maybe thats why u dont wanna be with me yet *explodes*:bomb:
  20. M

    the exam was fubar

    yeh i did the city/country thing and i think i did it about her lifestyle or her friends...i just remember.