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  1. M

    the exam was fubar

    yep, exactly what i done. I mean, it was mostly asking what message was being conveyed and how it was different from each other. Worst texts ever.
  2. M

    the exam was fubar

    who MOFO actually speaks like that in real life anyway?I feel sorry for them and their depressing lives. Its like they are spreading the bubonic plaugue.
  3. M

    anyone got notes on...

    I need notes for my electives. They are: telling stories - maybe tomorrow prose fiction - we all fall down into the world - the simple gift.My realted text for telling stories is The Pursuit of Happyness and for Into the World its green street hooligans. You reckon they'll do?
  4. M

    Physical Journey: Unexpected Detours

    No. Obstacles and detours are completly different things. They would of wrote obstacles instead of detours if it was about the challenges faced. Detours were about the unexpected things that happened in the journey, and how the characters were effected by a certain theme/character. For example...
  5. M


    lol nice dp is that u? can we hook up?
  6. M

    the exam was fubar

    who else thinks the texts in section 1 where ****ed up beyong all recognition? Seriously, the language used in 2-3 KILLED ME. What a piece of shit the board of studies are.:burn:
  7. M

    im screwed :(

    I'll do saving private ryan. Its about a band of 8-9 soldiers going behind enemy lines to find one soldier who has earned himself a ticket back home. It takes place during the Normandy invasion in france, world war 2 based. What could i write about saving private ryan?
  8. M

    so ranks are alright

    LOL all up 5 hours. Im not a freak who studies 5 hours a day...
  9. M

    so ranks are alright

    i bearly studied for the hsc...maybe like 5 hours maximum. My ranks are: Legal:4/30 something Eco:2/9 Maths:16/40 something English:13/38? ancients:2/20 something Do you reckon if i get around 70-80 in the hsc papers i would get around 80 uai or so?
  10. M

    do you study with the syallabus?

    do you guys study with using the syallabus? I dont, i just read through the chapters and now and then do trial papers.
  11. M

    microeconomic essay question HELP PLZ

    wow...your a freak...get a life? I hate eco.
  12. M

    im screwed :(

    yes i know, but i still can pull it off as a physical because chris still goes around the city trying to sell his shit and find a job. If that doesnt work for you, how does saving private ryan sound?Thats about physical journeys. Oh fucken common man...everyone is telling me different shit...
  13. M

    im screwed :(

    im not really stressed, but confused. Im not sure how i should write the area of study essay. I guess ill use The Pursuit of Happyness. Do i write about how Will Smith transforms during the film? Because during the beginning of the film, he is poor and depressed and at the end he is rich and...
  14. M

    im screwed :(

    i dont know jackshit about how im supposed to write my area of study. I dont even know what related text to use. I might use finding nemo, but people are saying i shouldnt because its kiddish. I might use The pursuit of happyness as my related text because i used that in the trials. What do you...
  15. M

    im screwed

    Am i the only who he just cant sit down and study? I just cant study, its too hard. Ive tried. I've even went to the library a fair few times, but i cant even study then. I just cant sit down and study....i have to move! What should i do? I probably studied like 4-5 hours maximum for the HSC...
  16. M

    need urgent help - test tomorrow!

    haha cya t school tomrrow:wave:
  17. M

    need urgent help - test tomorrow!

    ok i got my trial english paper 2 tomorrow and i need urgent help. For Telling stories, i dont know what related text to use, Can anyone help me ut and give ma a simple text with a list of technqiues?Also, for section 3, im doing the elective into the world and im going to use Apocolypto as my...
  18. M

    HSC Study Conferences 2007

    they're on all the time. i heard its like $120 a day. screw that ill get the money off my parents and use the money on something else.
  19. M

    The Simple Gift guy is coming tomrrow.

    ye The Simple Gift is full of poems lol. and we all fall down is a pretty decent book.
  20. M

    Should I Drop To General Maths From 2unit! Help! :(

    a kid from advanced math ( 2 unit) dropped to general maths like a couple of weeks ago and his marks got reset. We done like 2 tests since then and he got over 90 for both so his overall mark for maths is over 90 and he missed more than half the assessments. Besides, general maths is piss easy...