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  1. V

    How hard is Bachelor of Commerce - major accounting

    oh really? why didn't you transfer? I was thinking about studying at macquarie but chose not to because I thought usyd would offer more of a challenge (plus travelling to macquarie was such a hassle, I had to get off the train 3 times). in what way would commerce degrees at macquarie be more...
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    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: 2012 USYD Chatter Thread When do I get my UniKey? Your UniKey account details are received after your enrolment is processed and is included on your confirmation of enrolment letter. If you do not receive your UniKey account details on this letter, please contact the ICT Helpdesk on 9351 6000.
  3. V

    How hard is Bachelor of Commerce - major accounting

    I've asked a few people from macquarie and it seems statistics and microeconomics is much easier at mq than at syd. I'm not sure about the other subs. did you enrol today? saw so many people lining up at merewether building. but yeah, there are PASS classes to help you out. I heard they're useful.
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    Photo id for enrolment

    thanks jess :)
  5. V

    Photo id for enrolment

    I don't have an up to date passport or drivers license, will a student card from a previous uni/tafe be sufficient? I also have a birth certificate.
  6. V

    USYD Roll Call 2012

    BCom signing in, lads.
  7. V

    What do I do?

    if you feel passionate about it, go for it. a person I know recently finished BCom at unsw and he wants to study medicine now.
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    thank God i can study stat and law first sem! and yeah, i'll definitely be joining PASS!! if I enrol in the first week, I should be guaranteed in accounting and stats right? or do spots fill really quickly? ohh it's been years since i studied breakeven analysis and cost drivers! well i'm sort...
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    cool, are you a member of ksa or kbs?
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    yeah I noticed the prereq >< would it be possible to choose a law elective even if I'm only going to study 511504 Commerce? I'm thinking about studying CLAW1001 Foundations of Business Law. i'm actually required to study CLAW1001 for ca/cpa accrediation. so basically my timetable will be the...
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    Thanks kcqn and once again ozko. I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to study statistics in my first semester instead of microeconomics. Basically my timetable will be structured like so: - understanding business - the business environment (both formerly known as ecof1003 and 1004.. I'm...
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    Hi izy, I have and I've considered getting a private tutor but I'm not sure if it would be enough.. That's my main concern. What would you advise? Thanks:) P.S is it true ECMT1010 and ECON1001 have calculus and derivatives?
  13. V

    Got an ATAR of 54, what is the best alternative to get into uni?

    I'm not 100% sure - try calling macquarie or if that doesn't work, ask a tafe student adviser. an accounting diploma or possibly CertIV should get you into BEc at macquarie (I'd advise calling macquarie to be sure) but I'm unsure if you'll get any credit exemptions. If there are core...
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    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    I think ecof1003 and 1004 are mostly theory, am I right? But yeah, I'd appreciate it if someone could upload ecmt1010, micro and cfin2011 past papers for BCom. I don't know if I can handle this course with my current (general maths) maths skills. Accounting should be pretty breezy because I...
  15. V

    to current students of usyd - easy $10

    Hi, I need a Sydney Uni student to send me a few past papers from this link: I need the past papers for BCom's junior (5 core units: ECOF1003, ECOF1004..) which are here: Transitional arrangements for 2011 commencing...
  16. V

    Got an ATAR of 54, what is the best alternative to get into uni?

    i'd advise studying at tafe for a year (to Cert IV) and transferring - you only need passes to get into UWS and tafe is extremely cheap if you're receiving youth allowance from centrelink. one of my friends said he applied to UWS after cert III(accounting) and was able to get in. my uai was...
  17. V

    where to get past exam papers?

    does anyone know if non-current students have access to past exam papers? are they available in the library? i'd like to see how hard some subjects are esp. for commerce ecmt1010, econ1001 and finc2011 thanks.
  18. V

    fuck what should i do?

    thanks for the help ozko. I appreciate it. but yeah, if anyone only studied general maths/no maths in hsc, please do tell me how you went in usyd's bcom. I'm thinking about majoring in accounting but some first year subjects and the corp. finance subject looks quite hard.
  19. V

    fuck what should i do?

    I forgot about those.. do bridging courses go towards the WAM? are they really helpful?
  20. V

    fuck what should i do?

    the thing is, I didn't study 2 unit. I studied general maths but that's more like year 9-10 maths. T_T thanks for the UOS's btw.