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  1. V

    what is a good combination among these commerce majors?

    Re: do UNSW commerce people look down on Macq commerce people (honestly)?? who cares. even if they did, would you really care about their shallow opinions?
  2. V

    Mature age entry jubilee scheme @ MQ

    show me your personal statement i'll rate it. ;)
  3. V

    To those that want to do accounting at tafe

    VJ, john yu, and this other aussie teacher robert or roger. forgot his name. havent studied there in ages.
  4. V

    Tafe to Macquarie uni

    it depends on your marks. if you think you can get credit/dist for your tafe subjects, do continue and transfer after adv dip.
  5. V

    Bachelor of business and commerce majoring in accounting - difficulty level

    dunno if you're gonna read this but I finished advanced dip of accounting at tafe. maths is OK as long as you can remember some formulas and rearrange equations, e.g. EOQ formulas, CAPM, indifference point. i think the course has changed a bit since i've completed it tho. (2011) job...
  6. V

    MAQ or USYD for Arts degree - all things considered

    honestly just go to macq, you won't get an inferior job if you go to mac instead of usyd.
  7. V

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: which uni is better to do B commerce??? i'm gonna have to agree and say unsw 1 unsw 2 mq 3 usyd some of my unsw friends have already worked for the big 4.
  8. V

    make a wild guess.

    make a wild guess.
  9. V

    Help answer this question please it has my future on the line.

    you can get into investment banking with a b.comm-finance major why study eco as well no point
  10. V


    one of the tafe teachers i had graduated from UWS. she worked as a chief financial consultant for some corporation, but uws grads seem to have decent prospects. ^ forgot about her.
  11. V


    actually now that i think about it, one of my tafe teachers graduated from UWS. i think she studied part time there. but yeah, she was a chief financial officer at a bank or something. job prospects are good for uws students as well.
  12. V

    Uws lol'd irl
  13. V

    B.Commerce - Accounting at USYD/UNSW/MQ & maths.

    Yeah but isn't there harder maths e.g antiderivatives, logarithms, calculus etc etc in commerce?
  14. V

    UAC options!!

    applying as a tafe graduate with distinction average. let's see how things turn out..
  15. V


    dunno aye. it depends on the person, some are fine with it, some arent. a few of them were complaining about quality of lecturers and tutors.
  16. V

    B.Commerce - Accounting at USYD/UNSW/MQ & maths.

    Assuming that a normal person (not a 99.9x UAI freak like you guys) didn't do year 11/12 maths, would they be able to pass b. commerce - accounting in these unis? (i did do general maths, but this was almost 3 years ago) I think I will be offered a place in USYD/UNSW this year, but I...
  17. V


    my friends study business there, accounting majors most of them. they told me to avoid it like the plague.
  18. V

    Commerce @ Macq - How can I PREPARE for this course?

    hey guys, as we're getting near the UAC end-year dates, i'm unsure of what to choose to put as a higher pref. for macquarie I want to be an accountant but there are two courses I might be interested in, B. Comm - Prof Accg. B. Comm majoring in accounting what's the difference between the two...
  19. V

    UAC is now open

    1 b. comm unsw 2 b. comm usyd 3 b. comm macq 4 b. bus uts i honestly want to go to macq over unsw and usyd though.