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  1. V

    fuck what should i do?

    I got an offer to study BCom at USYD but I don't know if I should accept it. How hard is the maths in this course? Would I be able to pass if I didn't study maths in y11-12? Please be realistic. I'm considering studying at MQ – BCom – Professional Accounting.. the only mathsy subjects include...
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    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    I got a D average studying accounting @ TAFE and I got an offer to study BCom at USYD but I don't know if I should accept it. How hard is the maths in this course? Would I be able to pass if I didn't study maths in y11-12? Please be realistic. I'm considering studying at MQ – BCom –...
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    Anyone else?

    already got into my desired course, so noo. even if i got an offer from usyd i would probably let it lapse.
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    Commerce @ Macq - How can I PREPARE for this course?

    atlas, what did you think was the hardest part of stat170? was there any calculus involved? yeah i do plan on going to the numeracy centre for sure! do you know how long those run for each day? do the people answer questions with detail or just broadly help you? and where can i find the course...
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    USYD and UNSW.. Number of Koreans (Asians)

    both have quite a lot of koreans.
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    Commerce @ Macq - How can I PREPARE for this course?

    STAT170! oh that's a relief! by the way atlas, do you still have powerpoints and lecture notes from stat or micro? it'd be nice to see what to prepare for before uni :)
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    Commerce @ Macq - How can I PREPARE for this course?

    haha thanks!! :PP all i have to worry about is microeconomics and stat now D:
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    Commerce @ Macq - How can I PREPARE for this course?

    thank God tafe graduates get accg253 and acst101 exempted;)
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    Has anyone who's not a current high school leaver got an offer yet?

    I received an offer to study b. comm at macquarie in december.
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    Courses at tafe which lead to bachelor of science?

    i found this: but it's best to ask someone at tafe.
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    compulsory enrolment @ mq

    to all current mq students, any suggestions re: enrolment preparation and academic advising times when you first enrol at mq? i have enrolment prep at 12pm and academic advising at 1. is this enough time? thanks:p
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    mature age student.

    thank you hun <3
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    mature age student.

    i just finished a 2 year tafe course and i'm applying for university study in 2012. would i be considered as a mature age student? thanks :)
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    Transfering to Macquarie

    if that's a credit average, you'll get in np.
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    Bachelor Business & Commerce

    my friend told me in some of his subjects, the final exam was similar/same to the prac exam. so idk.
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    hello internet fwends

    you should think about what YOU want to study, not what others would.
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    Advanced Chocolate Making

    man, after studying at tafe for almost 3 years i have to say that tafe does not teach you to think outside of the box. you're taught how to do things in a specific procedure and it is a big no-no to deviate from it. glad i'm finally moving to uni.
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    is there more hot korean chicks at Usyd or UNSW.

    since forever! seriously, uws is the place to be!
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    is there more hot korean chicks at Usyd or UNSW.

    lots of hot korean girls at uws para.
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    Early Entry Offers

    << recent tafe graduate with distinction average. got b. comm - professional accounting from macq. waiting on usyd/unsw~