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  1. townie

    New anti-terrorism laws

    New Anti Terror Law proposal
  2. townie

    USA: Supreme Court Chief Justice dies

    William Rehnquist, chief justice of the US supreme court has died. So another appointment is in order. Discuss.
  3. townie

    Camera Crew

    I saw a camera crew at USYD today, and a Ch 9 van, and i swore i saw rose jackson being interviewed. wats it all for?
  4. townie

    Supreme Court Nominee supports "homosexual agenda" it's nice to see that at least the nominee isnt completley conservative, and more importantly, can consider the law over morality
  5. townie


    how come sometimes u can post caps, and sometimes u cant? wat is the caps policy?
  6. townie

    Flyer's etc.

    Is it really too much to ask that i can walk 5m at USYD without being harassed by bookshops/the union/the SRC/the EU/Scisoc/The Big Issue/The green left-weekly/etc get the FUCK OUTTA MY WAY the worst is wen they stand at the entrance to fisher, or the footbridge, where there's no way to...
  7. townie

    By Changing our way of life, are we defeated?

    I have no article, only reference to current discussion in the wake of the london bombing, but, permit me, perhaps, to write my own little article.
  8. townie

    Censorship: when is it acceptable?

    Two articles in today's Herald Two different examples, a book about suicide...
  9. townie


    any1 doing PHYS1500 next semester i hate how they changed the timetable, bah!
  10. townie

    Woolworths Group Certificates

    How can one of the biggest companies in australia (i read that something like 12 c of every dollar spent in Australia is spent at Coles or Woolworths) not have made group certificates yet? or is it the individual store that is responsible? have any woolies peeps gotten the GC yet...
  11. townie

    1st year physics (regular)

    Does anybody have any notes?! i'm gonna fail! i'm just totally so not with it *goes crazy*
  12. townie

    Howard Caves in - changes to detention All families with children will be released into community detention Ombudsman will review all detentions >2yrs Immigration Dept to report to Ombudsman every 6 months howard says "We...
  13. townie

    Important: BoS PayPal Scam!!

  14. townie

    The BB Controversey Wat are your views? i'm sorry, but if Gianna wasnt offended by it, then shut the f*ck up and stop speaking for other people and getting all offended. if u dont wanna watch a TV show, big news, YOU...
  15. townie

    The official IR reform thread!

    So, views/feelings? P.S. can somebody explain the reforms properley, for instance, have penalty rates been taken out of awards, if so, does that mean they dont exist or r set by legislation. does the Fair Pay Commission set ALL award pay rates, or simply minimum wage? --- Edit: Parliamentary...
  16. townie

    Is St. George the way to go?

    A lot of people here seem 2 be considering St George as an option? is it good? is it hard to close an account and transfer money? let us discuss st. george, because it seems 2 be getting a lot of air time here
  17. townie

    Wat day do u get paid on?

    Just a poll cause i'm bored, wat day do u get paid on? edit: assuming ppl dont get paid on w/e
  18. townie

    Would you boycott bali?

    if Corby is found guilty, would u/will u boycott bali? yes/no? why? Me: i dunno, i dont think i'd purposely avoid it, but i dont think i'd strive 2 go there either, that judge being interviewed is just wrong, the problem is, they're only half democratic (democratic from a western-US...
  19. townie

    What would be your private members bill?

    Scenario, ur an Australian member of parliament (State or Federal) and the govt. will let u pass one Private Members bill, anything u want (has 2 be constitutional of course), wat legislation would u introduce, ammend? Myself: i dont know how, but i'd pass some kind of bill that would...
  20. townie

    MATH1901 Assignment #2

    How's every1 going, looks easier than the last one have 1 question tho, Okay, this may sound dumb, but does "using the definition of the derivative as a limit" just mean first principles