LOL I first thought that those were the real answers.. XD Then realised that everyone was giving theirs.. o_O
But yeh, Lwaxana's MC answer boosted my confidence for MC.
Strength of signal is what I wrote as because servers are distributed.. because.. that's why they're called DISTRIBUTED database.. XD
I also included security
Cordless telephone doesn't use a transmission media that's relatively inexpensive. It might be so but then low range would mean that I can't bring my cordless phone outside.. =\
It wasn't too tough..
I couldn't believe it though, 3 marks to answer an easy simple structured question? Would two points suffice for the 3 mark question?
Question 10 was really challenging especially part b. *dies*
My pace was constant till it got to Question 7, then came 9.. then 10.. -___-
Overall, it was really tough for a 2 unit.