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  1. Kd14

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    WAHOO! Finished with Chem today.. and yeah, chem sux.. =S
  2. Kd14

    Section 1: Multiple choice

    Meh.. Its prolly one of those things that you overlook.. which I did.. T_T
  3. Kd14

    General Thoughts: Ancient History 2005

    I reckon it was straight forward, although I got confused on the personalities one..
  4. Kd14

    what do you think you will get in the exam?

    LOL I first thought that those were the real answers.. XD Then realised that everyone was giving theirs.. o_O But yeh, Lwaxana's MC answer boosted my confidence for MC.
  5. Kd14

    Section 2: Question 21-24

    Strength of signal is what I wrote as because servers are distributed.. because.. that's why they're called DISTRIBUTED database.. XD I also included security
  6. Kd14

    Section 1: Multiple choice

    I couldn't really distinguish between phased and pilot on this question.. o_O
  7. Kd14

    Section 1: Multiple choice

    Cordless telephone doesn't use a transmission media that's relatively inexpensive. It might be so but then low range would mean that I can't bring my cordless phone outside.. =\
  8. Kd14

    Section 2: Question 21-24

    That is what I exactly wrote down Question 22 screwed me up.. I struggled on this one..
  9. Kd14

    When did you leave?

    I never seem to finish early for an IPT. I make use of all the time.. and also got stuck.. o_O
  10. Kd14

    Option: Multimedia

    I ran out of time for the last question.. T_T
  11. Kd14

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    I did Sparta for this one. My kings were Theopompus and Agesilaus.
  12. Kd14

    Section 1: Multiple choice

    1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. b (I think this one's wrong) 8. c o_O 9. b 10. c 11. d 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. b 16. a 17. c 18. d 19. c 20. c
  13. Kd14

    Option: TPS

    It wasn't too tough.. I couldn't believe it though, 3 marks to answer an easy simple structured question? Would two points suffice for the 3 mark question?
  14. Kd14

    Section I - Personalities

    The first question for Alexander was tricky for me.. and so was the second one.. Could you say that Macedonians were non-Greeks? o_O
  15. Kd14

    Section III, IV - Historical Periods

    I think I did pretty well in this one, well I hope..
  16. Kd14

    How many people left early?

    I think maybe more than 5 ppl.. o_O
  17. Kd14

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    Hopefully I could get 90+ or even 100+. Question 10 was o_O.
  18. Kd14

    3U students - how did u go?

    Question 10 was really challenging especially part b. *dies* My pace was constant till it got to Question 7, then came 9.. then 10.. -___- Overall, it was really tough for a 2 unit.
  19. Kd14

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    Just answerin this skipped question.
  20. Kd14

    One scene of a movie???

    I did the last scene though I took a piece from other scenes to show themes. ie clash, violence.