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  1. Kd14

    Module B: Close Study of Text

    The Witness one was ok as long as you were able to analyse a scene in detail and was able to revise on a specific scene or at least know about a scene.. =D
  2. Kd14

    Module A: Experience Through Language

    Staright forward question. No Hassles. Just Hoff.. o_O
  3. Kd14

    Module C: Texts and Society

    I did a feature article one. I ran out of time, but was able to cover the basic points.
  4. Kd14

    how many pages did you write?

    I wrote 23. 10,7,6. Decreasing value doesnt mean decreasing knowledge.. hehe =D
  5. Kd14

    One scene of a movie???

    I did the climax one, I knew a lot of people would do it, but its the one that I've watched a lot of times.
  6. Kd14

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    Forgot to post a the question, so here goes. Q19 Differentiate ln(x^3 + 1/x^2). =D
  7. Kd14

    how many pages for section 3 (extended response)?

    8, that's what ppl tell me. I wrote 9. o_O
  8. Kd14

    Question 1

    I thought the 1 mark question on the art review was too easy, then I realised in the end its referring to the whole text.. not only the specific line mentioned.. o_O Nonetheless, I did alright I guess, the 5 mark question consisted of bull.. Oh well..
  9. Kd14

    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    I'll try... yeh?
  10. Kd14

    Notes for Witness

    If you're still sending them, send it this way. =D Thanks.
  11. Kd14

    Related Material?

    I suggest you looking at the Resources page found at the Homepage of this site.
  12. Kd14

    project development

    I agree. Testing, maintaining and implementation. It's the part where, after all the prototypes (where all the refinement of the system and thus solving the problem occur) the problems are minimised to a small scale. On making decisions, that's when it all begin doesn't it? That's when they...
  13. Kd14

    Another Integration Question involving Exponential Functions

    DONT ever mix them up. Happened to me and look at me now, no hair.. jks. Yeh, just try to keep that in mind. =D
  14. Kd14

    B Com Sci / B Digital Media

    The thing is, with this course it has Computer Science in it which widens your options. Thanks for the link MedNez. =D
  15. Kd14

    B Com Sci / B Digital Media

    Ill take that as a NO.. o_O
  16. Kd14

    Question on a course. =D

    Ok thanks. What's your insight on the course, particularly being in USYD? =D
  17. Kd14

    Soft Eng / Commerce =D

    Thanks for that. What does that bolded statement mean? Sorry.. =.= And with changing your mind about certain courses, is it as simple as "Hey school staff dude, I wanna do this subject." And also, careerwise, which one's good? Seng or ComSci?
  18. Kd14

    Question on a course. =D

    So is that a Yes? o_O
  19. Kd14

    Soft Eng / Commerce =D

    Hey there, I'm a year 12 student and was wondering if I could get inputs on people doing this particular course, or at least Soft Eng. And how does Soft Eng compare with Com Sci. I know there's a lot of threads here, but I want more insight from people. Thanks. =D
  20. Kd14

    Soft Eng / Commerce

    What do people think about this course at this uni? A feedback from anyone, particularly people doing this course, about this course would be greatly appreciated. =D