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  1. Kd14

    B Com Sci / B Digital Media

    I was just wondering who's planning to do this course, or at least putting them in their preferences? Thanks. This is still a course right? =D
  2. Kd14

    Question on a course. =D

    Hey there. For the dbl degree B Science/B Commerce, does the Science include Computer Science?
  3. Kd14

    Multimedia Study thread

    Morphing. A smooth change between two diff images. It transforms the shape, colour, etc of an image to the other. Requires two images. Example is a pic of a baby transformed into a cat. Warping. This involves transforming or distorting an image. Requires only one image. Example is...
  4. Kd14

    primary and foreign key??

    The way I remember it is that a Primary key is unique. Like an ID no. Foreign key is a primary key that's in a field that already has its own primary key. EG. Family has a primary key Family ID. Student has a primary key StudentID plus a foreign key Family ID.
  5. Kd14

    Going on to do IT?

    I'm definitely doing an IT subject. Prolly BCSE/BDM @ UNSW. Haven't looked at UTS carefully though.
  6. Kd14

    Design Computing *insert bedazzled emoticon here*

    Design Computing *insert puzzled emoticon here* I want to do Design Comp, but I'm still undecided about it. It's between this, or Soft Eng. Careerwise which one's has a good future? And for those that do Design Computing: -What do u do in it? -Are the facilities good? -Any info...