What did u guys think, i thought the creative was alright u had a narrative u could manipulate. Essay was a bit weird but the statementd were easy to write about.
YEs she is back after 12 yerrs of silence with her new single King of the mountain released yesterday worldwide except here of course. The song is aboput Elvis and has referrences to citizen kane in it as well. Her new album Aerial is out Nov 7th its a double album and it is being relased here...
I have an assesment on monday no less and i was wondering if anyone knew of any good sites explaining anthig to do with escape velocity? any help will be greatly appreciated.
HAs anyone read this. It is like the funniest book i've read they have like a section for what you say the people it means and what ir really means like:
(latin stuff)
What it "means" Oh that baby is so cute
Really means: does it's head spin and spit green slime.
I love it
HAs anyone read this. I saw it on the directors cut of Donnie Darko and it seem interesting. I tried ot get it at my library but they had "lost it" which sucks. so now i need ot know whether its worth buying.
Hi i was wondering i have chosen to do Ivan MIlat's case for a crime speech. I was aondering if anyoen had any notes or knew of any helpful websites. Anythign would be appreciated