Why don't you ask the expert on who breeds hysteria and the circumstances in which they breed. Seriously Howard is a genius. Conservative governments around the world take lessons from his spin-doctors.
Well no it's not flat because low income earners have a higher marginal propensity to consume. An aim of taxation is income distribution in a way which maximises utility. A regressive system does the opposite.
Both income tax and sales tax affect incentive to work and incentive to buy, but the degree to which they decrease incentives should not be exaggerated. If people don't earn enough (due to taxes), or if prices rise (due to taxes), they may well work harder to earn what they require rather than...
Yes there's more to the asian/white divide but it's not the negligible difference in the uai cut-off. For example in UNSW people are more religious and more populist - the asian-christianity community is prevalent, whereas USyd is more secular and the populist mentality isn't as strong. Also...
Lol that's classic :p.
I'm surprised that there's so little love for torts. I mean don't any of you get excited over the idea of negligence, personal injury, heads of damages etc.?
I guess not then. :(