Search results

  1. M

    survey - co-ed vs. single-sex:A study into the educational & social impact in schools

    Female Age: 17 1.Do you attend a co-ed or single-sex school? Co ed. 2. Do you think a co-ed or a single-sex school is better for a child’s social skills and why? Co ed would be better, purely because the world itself is not segregated into women and men, at one point or another any...
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    Rules for Fat People

    i just would appreciate it if they stoped wearing spandex and tights aswell. not a very pretty image.
  3. M

    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders

    i agree with u chris. hi *waves*
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    James Ruse

    james ruse suks. :D
  5. M

    That Tony Ferguson diet from Terry White...what do you think?

    im not here to tell you want to do. only to express my opinion on the matter since that is what you have asked. i used to be, about 5 years ago, 89 kilograms and a size 18. and for a girl thats 165 cm that equals = fat shyt. so aniways i considered doing that whole tony ferguson shyt aswell but...
  6. M

    dot point never done, HELP!

    hm well one that u can discuss is with the rooms. if its a non inertial frame the string will hang vertically down cause its not accelerating [maybe ive mixed it up ive tried to erase all physics from my mind] aniways if its the inertial one which i think is accelleration, the string will hang...
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    Post Your UAI's Here

    90.25 still cheering :D
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    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    he was a fag in disguise. :P
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    Best guys perfume

    joop for men. *drools*
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    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    hah my schools 529th bah.
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    UAI and UNI

    well i got 2 band 6s in english and modern history e3 in ext 1 eng (1 mark off e4) b5 in maths :D but i got b4 in all 3 science :(
  12. M

    Hsc 2007 Results..not Happy?were You Treated Unfair? Read This And Sign My Petition!

    I got an internal school mark of 96 yet due to scaling i got 78 :( i still got a UAI of 90.25 but i thoroughly believe my UAI would be higher if my biology mark was not so low. SO YES I SIGN UR PETITION!
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    Anglo-Saxon females in Yr. 11/12?? Please do my PIP questionnaire-HSC Pressure

    1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest priority) how important is your education in your life at the moment? 10 2. Do your parents think your education is more important than you think it is? a Yes b No c We believe it is equally important yes (a) 3...
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    HSC subjects and UAI question

    WELL JUST FOR THE RECORD these were my results for my HSC 2007 english adv 92 english ext 90 modern history 90 math general 84 biology 78 chemistry 73 physics 71 My uai was 90.25 so u can achieve a good mark with general maths
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    Official UAI Results

    what are you on about? ur a complete idiot. thats such a fantabulous result!!!
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    UAI and UNI

    yea that was my second pref. 89.95. i will def get into that one. just wanted to get into syd 91.05
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    2007 Top 200 School Rankings Daily Telegraph

    omg i got 93 in english aswell. congratulations. AND I LIKE YOUR attitude. i go to a shyt school in the mt druitt region so getting 90.25 was like the highest UAI my school has ever seen :D
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    Reality Check

    cling hope. by the sounds of it you will do fine :D
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    UAI and UNI

    my UAI was 90.25. my first preference was medical science at syd which was 91.05. is there any possibility watsoever that they will lower the mark and accept me?