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  1. M

    Rules for Customers

    omg u sound like one of my drivers...
  2. M

    Rules for Customers

    a) pull tha stick outta YOUR ass, b) stop being so fukin narrow minded and c) realise that australia is a FUKIN MULTICULTURAL society u dumbass....but growing up on the GOLDCOAST where its PREDOMINANTLY australian-anglo saxons i just realised that ur surrounded by those types of people and...
  3. M

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    age: 17 Job: pizza shop owner...yes i run it with my brother. wage: not nearly enough for the hours i put in+benifits of added stress + possibility of heart attack at an early age oh oh and grey tha best job in tha world i have! *sarcsim kicked in long agooo*
  4. M

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    i drive a 2003 BMW 325ci ehh its not all its cracked up 2 be. i want a rexi :D
  5. M

    RM help please ?

    i suggest u do a cartoon but make it up. i did. it worked out fine. i had a picture of a rollercoaster and such and just related it to the uncertainties of journeys and how the impacts of them remain unknown.
  6. M

    Physical Journey help - Notes on related texts?

    i would suggest u do for ur stimulus "robert frosts the road not taken" it really links in well with the whole notion of physical journeys "encounting barriers and obstacles in which the repercussions remain unknown" as well as reaffirming that physical journeys "are spontaneous in nature and...
  7. M

    Who is going to vote liberal?

    I'll be voting liberal. mainly because they are the better party in my opinion. i mean look at our economy...really REALLY strong atm with our aussie dollar buying almost one american dollar. everyone is so scared about the "IR" laws but in reality they arent bad at all. Howard helps smaller...
  8. M

    Procrastinate with me: What are your indulgences during exam time?

    hA text fight messaging. LMAO. classic!
  9. M

    So, who's finished?

  10. M

    2 answers to multiple choice?

  11. M

    Option - Quanta to Quarks

    well ahem. i remember saying something about if the 2 nucleon forces were seperated their repulsion forces would decrease with their attraction forces increasing. is this correct? loved the 7 marker about debrolgi and the neutron reactor at the end as well as the wilson cloud chamber. actually...
  12. M

    I made out with a girl last night

    yes that is weird considering ur not ahemmm lesbian or bisexual...assuming ur not? well ahemm i find it weird. maybe cause im straight :S
  13. M

    physics exam

    omg can i assist?
  14. M

    physics exam

    omg i feel ur pain :'(
  15. M

    physics exam

    omg i feel ur pain :'(
  16. M

    physics exam

    OMG FUKIN HARD I SWEAR. it had sooo many mathematical equations. like wtf? :O *cries* :(
  17. M

    So what can I throw out?

    i second ur selfish notion :D
  18. M

    So what can I throw out?

    WORD OF ADVICE: throw everything out. EVERYTHING. dont pass shyt onto ur sister, she should do it herself like u had to (assuming u had to?) u can alternatively join my bonfire in the local park on the 12th november:D
  19. M


    GAH! i know :( *cries*
  20. M

    How u feel going in to the exam

    omg soo know how u feel :(