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  1. M

    Post Your UAI's Here

    90.25 so happy and overjoyed...jumping over the moon atm :D
  2. M

    2007 Top 200 School Rankings Daily Telegraph

    my school didnt even make the list :(
  3. M

    Official UAI Results

    WOAHHH CONGRATULATIONS. if u were dissapointed with that i will severly hurt you LOL! i got 90.25 DIDNT even expect SUCH A MARK my god im so happy :D xoxo
  4. M

    UAI marks

    OMG WOAAAAAAAH so happy. i got 90.25. didnt even expect such a mark! how did everyone else go? im so proud and happy of everyone who completed their HSC! sorry i just feel so happy atm :D
  5. M

    Official HSC results.

    HAHA yea. OMG my brother wrote an email when he was at work and sent it to them straight after i told him my results. i was equally shocked when they said my name and i was watching it i was like "wtf?? " *spits out breakfast on dining room table*
  6. M

    Official HSC results.

    WOAAAAAAAH. CONGRATULATIONS. My gosh u must have worked extremely hard to achieve such a mark, u truly deserve it. I on the other hand had to work at my family business 6 nights a week and severely neglected my studies. My results were as follows….although they come NO WHERE near the person I...
  7. M

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    omg that sounds heaps interesting. always fascinated by hitler since learning about him in modern history. if u find a copy let me kno where u got it from and the rrp thanks. xoxxo
  8. M

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    i just want the mark to get into my course, anything above 70 will be just finnnnnnnnnnnnne. *cries*
  9. M

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    fukin scared as shyt. :(
  10. M

    Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate

    dark chocolate :D
  11. M


    OMG my formal WAS LAASTNIGHT and it TOTALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY rocked. everyone looked so hot and the music wassssssss heaps good :D SUCH A MAD ending to all that stress endured throughout the year. so how was everyone elses?
  12. M

    HSC subjects and UAI question

    those ppl are fukwits. if u do well in all ur other subjects and in general maths then scaling wont affect u. i done general maths. A 90% + in general is better than a 45% in advanced maths and trust me ITS ALOT HARDER for many candidates than what general maths is.
  13. M

    guys clothes

    well COME to industrie parramatta. i work there so i can hook u up with the hottest clothes out y.d has some good stuff and TAROCASH
  14. M

    i need to gain weight FAST!

    im thinking thats a good idea although probably illegal. try eating maccas everyday for the rest of ur life. that should fix u right up :D
  15. M

    What u planning to do in summer holidays?

    tan my fukin ass off and party :D
  16. M

    exam conditions

    depends on ur school i guess.
  17. M

    bestfriend that took my boyfriend

    CLEARLY not ur bestfriend then is she?
  18. M

    Official assessment rankings.

    ehh happy with it. Course Name Units Rank Order Outside School Biology 1 / 23 Chemistry 1 / 9 English (Advanced) 2 / 16 English Extension 1 3 / 4 General Mathematics 2 / 81 Modern History 1 / 12 Physics 1 / 8
  19. M

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    grr chris i thought we had established that YOU CANNOT stalk me over BOS and the comments i write in assorted threads because its IMMORAL and just plain wrong....i know u have an obsession with me....:P HOWEVER to make ur bleak life somewhat worth living YOU DO HAVE PERMISSION TO stalk me on...