WOAHHH CONGRATULATIONS. if u were dissapointed with that i will severly hurt you LOL!
i got 90.25
DIDNT even expect SUCH A MARK
my god im so happy :D
so happy. i got 90.25. didnt even expect such a mark!
how did everyone else go?
im so proud and happy of everyone who completed their HSC!
sorry i just feel so happy atm :D
HAHA yea. OMG my brother wrote an email when he was at work and sent it to them straight after i told him my results. i was equally shocked when they said my name and i was watching it i was like "wtf?? " *spits out breakfast on dining room table*
WOAAAAAAAH. CONGRATULATIONS. My gosh u must have worked extremely hard to achieve such a mark, u truly deserve it.
I on the other hand had to work at my family business 6 nights a week and severely neglected my studies. My results were as follows….although they come NO WHERE near the person I...
omg that sounds heaps interesting. always fascinated by hitler since learning about him in modern history. if u find a copy let me kno where u got it from and the rrp thanks.
OMG my formal WAS LAASTNIGHT and it TOTALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY rocked. everyone looked so hot and the music wassssssss heaps good :D
SUCH A MAD ending to all that stress endured throughout the year.
so how was everyone elses?
those ppl are fukwits. if u do well in all ur other subjects and in general maths then scaling wont affect u.
i done general maths.
A 90% + in general is better than a 45% in advanced maths and trust me ITS ALOT HARDER for many candidates than what general maths is.
ehh happy with it.
Course Name Units Rank Order Outside School
Biology 1 / 23
Chemistry 1 / 9
English (Advanced) 2 / 16
English Extension 1 3 / 4
General Mathematics 2 / 81
Modern History 1 / 12
Physics 1 / 8
grr chris i thought we had established that YOU CANNOT stalk me over BOS and the comments i write in assorted threads because its IMMORAL and just plain wrong....i know u have an obsession with me....:P HOWEVER to make ur bleak life somewhat worth living YOU DO HAVE PERMISSION TO stalk me on...