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  1. R

    Financing your car?

    Hm didnt know that you have to break in the engine for a new car.....only knew that the value goes away pretty quick. I do use public transport, but i am a shift worker and its not good or safe getting the bus home alone at like 11.30 at night. Earlies its fine to get the bus, but afternoons...
  2. R

    Last ever episode of rove live!!

    ah how can you say its not good when you havent watched an episode? doesnt make sense. hm i kinda switched off when he had more interviews and just rambled to take up time. hehe yeah i miss the kevin rudd thing hehe me and my sis would run into the room when it was on hehe. hm wonder if its on...
  3. R

    Financing your car?

    Ive defaulted apparently on a credit card payments a few times. but thats in the past, and its the only form of 'credit' that ive had. Of course i regret getting a credit card....
  4. R

    Financing your car?

    I got my licence in september and since then, ive only driven once..which i miss. I wish i didnt rush in. I dont think id be approved for a car loan from the big banks due to my defaults etc and also given that the banks are tightening their lending criteria due to the GFC.....and its going to...
  5. R

    The "I'm Fat" Friend - annoying!

    yeah and us nurses hate you lot now, who use the new meth, coz you totally forget that youve taken it and assult but maybe yeah go ahead and take it, get in trouble with the cops and there goes your chance of a passport or visa.... good that may serve you right. hm back on topic, my...
  6. R

    Frequent Flyer Programs

    I got a really strange email from Velocity on Friday 13th saying that I got free upgrade to gold class and free access to the lounge etc etc, but i had to earn like 50k points...i was like huh? Then i read the next email which revealed that was a fake. Pretty good that we can use Velocity for...
  7. R

    Beep Test...

    You have to get 6.9 to get into ADF, even for medical staff....
  8. R

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    why should it bother you that we put the seat down? we dont like sitting on the freezing cold rim, which is very thin and hard to balance on. I mean its not hard to aim into a slightly smaller area is it? Coz i mean back in high school u guys were able to aim for like who can pee the highest...
  9. R

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    For me, its the fact that they are so shallow and only want to have sex and only think of themselves. Also i hate the fact that you guys can not aim right when you are peeing in a unisex toliet. Its sooo fucking anoying when you have to use a unisex toliet and you see either piss all over the...
  10. R

    Frequent Flyer Programs

    Well ive first signed up to Velocity and got enough points for 2 lots of return flights to um Sydney and Melbourne i think...cant remember to be honest what i spent the points on. I just recently signed up for the Qantas one, obviously wont have points with them for ages yet. I have to say...
  11. R

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    and i bet you are the type who thinks 59 is fat...69 is normal for a girl who is between 155-170cm
  12. R

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    I did an hr of swimming, mostly freestyle. Not fit enough to do it non stop, but yeah i did stuff when i was taking a breather. Found an interesting thing you can do for your core, do freestyle but with a kickboard under your stomach. Youd think it would be easy, but it slows you down but its...
  13. R

    straightening your teeth without the need of braces?

    Im like you, my wisdom teeth ruined the starightnes that i got with braces. My orthodontist said i need a bottom retainer for good or braces....but it would be on the inside so you couldnt be able to tell. Thankfully he's our family orthodontist and is only going to charge me to material costs...
  14. R

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    lol yeh thats a bad ganglion. I had one adn it comes and goes, but you cant see it, i only get pain when i go and put weight through my hand, eg trying to do push ups and lift myself out of the pool. It just depends on where exactly it is.
  15. R

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    You could have a thing called a ganglion in your wrist/s. its bascially just a fluid build up in between your joints and when you put pressure through them, you squeeze the fluid against your nerves and you get the pain. Mention it next time you see the GP and get a ultrasound of your wrists...
  16. R

    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    I sprained my wrist 2wks ago just when i landed back in Australia from my 3wk holiday in NZ. I went to lift my backpack from the baggage carousel, but it only weighed 15kg, lighter than i started off with, but it was due to that repitive lifting it weirdly. So yeah doc told me to take 2wks as...
  17. R

    Twelve dead in shooting at Fort Hood military base

    certainly sounds like he was crazy in the first place to join the army, coz i mean what the hell do you expect do do if you are in the army? Of course you are going to get deployed..stupid idiot. dotn know why you guys have to keep going on about cunts and shit like that...gee
  18. R

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    I also hate: my toenails coz my left big one has been ingrown so many times that ive had so many operations on it and not its even weirder looking. And the little toes have little nail. -that im short, mum reckons im normal height but considering that like pple 10yrs younger are taller than me...
  19. R

    How often do you go to the gym?

    I havent been for like 2 months, but then again 1 month of that has been while I was over in New Zealand so yeah. Went today, and did a 20mins on treadmill, and them my sister had to get the bus home....will go again prob Friday. she wants me to pay extra to be able to use any FF club, but i...
  20. R

    Help me out of my Fitness First membership

    if you dont pay, coz you signed a contract, you are in breach of that contract and that goes against your name. Its going to stuff you up for when you apply for car loans etc etc. And that stays on your credit file for up to 7yrs. Not good. Just try and sell it to someone one else. thats what i...