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  1. R

    All Busses prepaid as of 6th April

    yeah except its designed really for people who are making just 2 trips a day coz otherwise it goes through your credit VERY quickly if you make multiple trips, even with the supposed discount after 10 trips. Far easier to get a weekly, off peak or daily tickets. Funny isnt it how a state like...
  2. R


    I was watching friends and they seem to have a lot of canned laughter it seems. Then i watched the behind the scenes thing on friends and they said that yes they film in front of a live audience but often they laugh for too long for the shot or not enough and thats when they cut in diferent...
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    Ladette to Lady

    So glad that Nicole won the show! She certainly deserved it. Am looking forward to seeing the final ep, even though I will sadly be at work that night..dam it! Oh well....
  4. R


    I always have to pee before getting into a lift or on a bus etc coz im paranoid that ill get stuck in the lift for hours or stuck in a traffic jam.
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    I used to many years ago always get out of bed and check the windows countless times. Which was annoying for me and my sis and mum, coz id have to get down from the skeaky bunk bed and mum would hear me and yell go to sleep liz! And id have to get up and write notes, just stupid notes so that i...
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    jenny craig

    If you join for life, when you are finished losing the weight, they give you recipe books and stuff so that you can cook healthy stuff. It includes your 3 meals and some snacks but not fruit and veg or bread and milk. I signed up coz im hopeless at cooking anything but pasta based foods. My...
  7. R

    How to lose weight off my stomach

    yeah evidence of getting the pot belly from starving can be well seen on poor kids... its hard to lose fat from the middle esp for women, adn depends on what shape you are. I think its harder coz the body wants to keep the fat around your abdo organs and stuff.
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    jenny craig

    dont liek comments like taht from pricks like you! You know NOTHING about why i put on the weight or anything about me apart from the fact that i am overweight and had things that impact on your health. So shut the fuck up!
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    jenny craig

    it varies wk to wk coz of the food. its about 13-150 a wk id be guessing. it was 94 to sign up and that was 4 days worth of food
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    jenny craig

    No they said anything between 10 to 20 weeks, given that a safe and sustainable weight loss is .5-1kg a week I had a sausage roll for lunch..was small, but yeah..Its going to be difficult as im feeling hungry and been drinking plenty of water. Got to use willpower!!
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    jenny craig

    i just signed up for jenny craig today. its expensive but will hopefully will be worthwhile. I am at 86.2kg at the moment hopefully will drop down soon. Only signed up for the 10kg for $10.
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    Ladette to Lady

    zoe was the one with the long hair and tallest of our them i think, and even though she was told not to drink, would go ahead and do it. I hope they did give her help back here. And im thinking they'll have the reunion back here in australia...back when the teachers were here in aus before it...
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    Ladette to Lady

    'Twas sad to see Zoe go last night, was very much expecting her to win the thing!! I had tears in my eyes...yes i know sad but hey. I still think Skye is a bit sus
  14. R

    Nausea when waking up early

    yeah id go and see a doc. YOu could try having some camomille tea when you wake up as thats good for nausea apparently. Maybe your iron levels are too low and so you wak up feeling dizzy? Does it get worse before or after your periods?
  15. R

    Best TV series EVER

    ooo yes! i love my wife and kids!!! And home improvement!
  16. R

    A bit of New Zealand fun

    Air New Zealand, i found out last night have $85 airfares Bris-Christchurch for travel up to December!! I really want to book since i missed out on my holiday last year! And virgin have cheap flights too for the same price but they dont fly as often or include food!
  17. R

    the pill

    hm hard to say. give it a try and see how you go. You might get a bit of spotting, but i guess it depends on how strong each pill is. Good luck pinkcheeks, i know how you feel...this week i got my period when i was at work and i had that really heavy feeling in my stomach and felt like i was...
  18. R

    Favourite TV show from ABC when u were young

    haha I love Art Attack!! YOu can see a few clips from most of the shows mentioned on youtube hehe yay! I loved Play school, round the twist, alex mack, um barbar, madeline (the movie version was shithouse!), um for the jouniers, um most of the shows. I loved watching the bloopers on Lizzie...
  19. R

    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? My house mates are chinese and they are skinny as, and only under 50kg...they are naturally like jealous lol Jenny craig is so expensive! Its like $500 if you want to be a lifetime member and have all consults for life, and then its like $130 a wk...
  20. R

    "The Dark Knight" crosses $1 BILLION mark worldwide

    hm and how many people went to see it just to see Heath's last ever gig? And how many parents took their kids along thinking it was a typical batman comic movie and are now paying heaps for therapy for their kids who shat themselves