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  1. R

    My hands are really dry.

    My hands are dry due to occupation as well...nursing...Im always washing my hands esp when that gel stuff so I have to make sure that during winter in particular that I use the Microshield moisturiser that they have around the ward...but not too much of it. I also get eczema but thankfully its...
  2. R

    Which is best for weight loss, exercise or diet?

    I am edging 90kg and I am upset and miserable about that fact. Now I decided to go to the personal trainer for $65 for an hr once a wk....i was talking to mum tonight and she feels that i should spend the $65 on seeing a dietician... Which do you think is better? I know both are the best to do...
  3. R

    How many Up and Go drinks do you have a week?

    I only started them a few weeks ago when i was sick after night duty and didnt really want to eat breaky but knew id feel rather sick if i didnt have soemthing...i tried the berry one. They are ok...not the best but better tasting that revolting weetbix! the chocolate one is better than the...
  4. R

    Cyber girl...anold ABC kids show

    Dont know if many of you will remember Cybergirl but it was that kids series which i think screened on ABC and it was filmed in Brisbane and there was this girl who would turn blue and would have super powers etc etc...... I was proud that it was filmed in brisbane hehe lame i know anyway i...
  5. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    ahhh when did i say that i am requring mroe hours than you? HUH??? You cant completely master every driving skill straight everything, well most things in life it takes a few goes before you get used to a new skill....and if you somehow interpret that as what im saying about...
  6. R

    When can Auto license drive Manual cars without test?

    Thats why you should just learn in a manual car, and go for the test in the manual and are permitted to drive both....that way you dont have to waste more time and money relearning.... Having said that, my driving instructor said she's had a few older people who have had their auto's for years...
  7. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    Hm its interesting the number of people who can think that they can just take a few lessons with an instructor and then go for their Ps....bloody idiots! It takes experience of different areas and conditions before you are at least confident enough to go for the Ps....
  8. R

    Round The Twist

    ew that ep made me feel rather quisy...and im a nurse who puts up with bad stuff....
  9. R

    $4000 medicare dental allowance?

    i got charged 1700 from the oral surgeon and medicare paid NOTHING. I got 500 back from MBF under the dental cover but thats all i got back... Medicare only paid for the anaesthetist.....well some of it
  10. R

    ipod question

    I did that but it got rid of all of them.....
  11. R

    ipod question

    Im not good with technology so i thought i might ask on here since all you youngies know how teh ipods work. I got an ipod nano. Now I want to delete podcasts from playing on my ipod, but when I go into itunes, and click on my name to get the files, they appear as grey and i cant delete...
  12. R

    $4000 medicare dental allowance?

    No sadly its still classifed as DENTAL surgery not MEDICAl surgery and they only pay for medical shit... Sucks big time!
  13. R

    $4000 medicare dental allowance?

    Huh wishful thinking!! Medicare dont cover anythng dental as far as im aware coz they didnt pay anything to me when i had my wisdom teeth out as they consider it dental not medical. They only paid for the anaesthetist and MBF paid a tiny bit. The only way you can get free dental is if you go...
  14. R

    L's to p's

    wow they sure do have different rules up here in QLD. Up here i think you have to have the first one for 1yr and then not sure about the other one. But if you are learning late, and turn 25 while on ur learners, you dont have to do 100 hrs or have a log book!
  15. R

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Brisbane was voted most favourite out of Australia followed by was not suprsingly last...
  16. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    I am not 25 thank you...up here in QLD we are 17 when we finish yr 12.
  17. R

    finding inexpensive driving instructors

    Just ring around. And maybe ask if you pay upfront for like 10 lessons if you get a discount. However saying that most just save you like $2 a doesnt really make paying like $450 upfront attractive. I pay $49 with the current school, but I am doing 90min lessons so its $75...
  18. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    ah no i couldnt have gotten my l's 10 years ago you dick! And Im not old. Im just more responsible than you idiots who think you are invincible behind the wheel....thanks to you lot my premiums are up coz im still apparently in the high risk of crashing etc coz you young pple dont care. You lot...
  19. R

    Manual Vs. Automatic

    I have started up driving again. I am learning in a lancer coz thats all the driving school has in my area. I had to take it in instalments and today I started wtih the clutch. Was nerve-wracking, especally when im so clumsy etc. But i got it the hang of it kinda, and only stalled it a few...
  20. R

    embracing the pale

    huh i feel your pain. I dont tan.. i burn easily. i have loads of freckles and ive lived here in qld my whole life. my friend came from scotland at the start of last year. She was pale as anything, and now she has more freckles than me and actually tans. That shouldnt happen!