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  1. R

    poor circulation

    I get cold feet too easily. Ive got numb big toes only because ive had so many ingrown toenail operations that the nerves are impaired. Do you feel dizzy from time to time? Could be cardiac output is lower than it should be... um as long as the rest of your skin is normal colour. Wouldnt be...
  2. R

    Double Take

    I didnt watch it but from the ads, i feel its just previous ch 7 sketch shows reformatted and called a different name but pretty much with the same cast....... Plenty more funnier people out there. But i have to say the impersonations are hilarious, hehe just cackling to myself remembering Le...
  3. R

    Woman dies after car sliced in half

    I reakon once you have a crash you should have a test before they let you get yoru licence back, no matter ur age or 'experience', rather than just serve out a suspension time. Or perhaps have defensive driving courses more cheaper and included. I heard that some insurers give you a cheaper...
  4. R

    Woman dies after car sliced in half

    This happens with older 'more experienced' drivers too.... Poor lady! suprised anyone managed to live through that!! shocking. maybe teenagers and new drivers should as part of their licence, be made to follow an emergency service/ER doc or nurse around for a few hours just to see what can...
  5. R

    2008/09 tax return

    wow if your flying from perth, you'll definately need all that money back!! Wish i was getting that much! Found out that my estimate of $688, which is going to be spending money for my NZ trip, is $800NZ!! Pretty good huh! Thats prob all id need for spending, but of course i would want to take...
  6. R


    im from brisbane. Most people use here as a base for either coasts. Not much really to see.... Southbank Parklands, got the giant ferris wheel, which apparently you can see out to moreton bay on a clear day, but i doubt that, DFO airport and jindalee, Mt Coot-tha Lookout, a must do...
  7. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    Well done! Did you have to reverse park?
  8. R

    2008/09 tax return

    I had the same thing with my old employer...they sent me the normal one, and two copies of the one for some termination pay... and Workcover sent me a group certificate to...i thought it was work that pays, well workcover pays work who pays me....
  9. R

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    There is a dodgy tester up here in Brisbane who let this girl keep driving even though when she was doing a 3 point turn, she ran up the gutter twice and he didnt bother stopping her..... strange these tester people are!
  10. R

    2008/09 tax return

    I had to manually enter in my deductions. Wish I had bought some nursing textbooks, would've been good..... I think next year if I get a car loan and stuff I will do salary sacrifice and thus need an accountant to do my return. I dont see though why it takes them ages to do it though.
  11. R

    2008/09 tax return

    Hm who has done their tax return this year so far? I just did it online and it reckons that I will get $680 back...first they said $730 and then when i went to lodge it was 680...s trange but yeah its only an estimate at this time. I just hope that its a bit more than that, coz i was hoping...
  12. R

    Which is best for weight loss, exercise or diet?

    Thanks for the advice. My sister is hopefully going to join Fitness First with me and then come to the gym with me, get me off my arse and help do weights etc...feel so weird doing them alone... will be good to finally have someone come with me.
  13. R

    All Saints has been axed.....

    scrubs is in a TOTALLY different category than all saints...scrubs is a revolting poke at mainly docs trying to bang each other etc .....
  14. R

    All Saints has been axed.....

    sad news for Aussie drama tonight...with ch 7 stupidly announcing that the show is being cancelled at the end of the year...... They reckon its coz it costs $150k each ep and with the MRU being in the show thats pushed up costs and apparently repelled viewers.... Simple solution...get rid...
  15. R

    Is car a luxury or a neccesity?

    hm well maybe you should try taking like 25 workbooks home and try andmark all the crap that they have to do....its not a 8-3pm job. of course i know how much is involved in getting a car etc...not just to visit mum lol
  16. R

    what was the best comedy tv series ever??

    Lano and woodley, Friends, um The Games, ah Are you being served...ah cant remember off the top of my head
  17. R

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    I went to the gym after work and did a body step hip flexors are soo fucking tight im sore and it killed to continue....I know im going to be soooo sore tmw!!!
  18. R

    My hands are really dry.

    Whats the name of the barrier cream? How about your feet, do they get dry? Mine get cracked and winter aint helping...
  19. R

    Is car a luxury or a neccesity?

    Teachers definately need cars...the amount of paper work they have to cart back and forth between school and home is enormous...and i know first hand coz i was a teaching student and mum is a teacher... I could do with a car....i live not far from th city so i dont really need the car to get...
  20. R

    My hands are really dry.

    Hm give your doctor a visit and try milder stuff first off all. You can try over the counter stuff for eczema like honey or oat creams..they are apparently really good. The cream that I have got is call Advantan Fatty Ointment. With the creams, you only use a VERY small amount as its a...