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  1. R

    friends attempted suicide

    Last year I was having a really shitty year and was thinking about suicide but then thought nah i cant do that etc etc. Things kinda picked up and talked to someone about it. Then i found out that my sister was very depressed and stuff coz she found uni and stuff hard and was still struggling...
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    Does anyone have a depressed parent?

    I know what you are going through. our family has endured domestic violence and we got out of it and mum had to start anew with like finances and work etc. She finally went back to work and being a teacher doesnt pay a lot and she's depressed about work giving her teh shits last year and causing...
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    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    haha here in QLD we only have to do 100.... It is ridicously expensive to get that many hours with a driving instructor. I know that my housemate makes up hours, but i believe that one day you will get caught out and lose your licence and its a lot more hassle in the end just coz your lazy to...
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    Cold rock

    yummy but i think NZ icecream is the same... I get the sundae, coz you get more for less.....
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    The Ellen DeGeneres Show

    Yup i love the show. Was great to see the 1000th ep one!! Lucky bloody audience members....and even luckier were those 3 bloody kiwi's who got to go to her show for free.....and when Mattthew Perry was on it! I was so close to crying in jealousy!!! i swear the kiwi guy is gay though.....
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    Talkin' 'bout your generation.

    where did spicks and specks steal its format from huh? Glasshouse 'stole' the format kinda of GNW but then again both shows are made by the same prod co so yeah thats ok....wish theyd bing that back.... Total copy of that game from spicks though. And yes you could certainly tell it wasnt...
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    Round The Twist

    Um i think it was Paul Jennings who wrote the books...from which the series is based...funnily enough I dont reemmber seeing the books ever. I got the fish willy and without my pants eps out on dvd the other month and even now those stories give me the creeps lol.
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    Best Cartoons from the 90s

    yes thats lift off. I got freaked out by the talking backpacks as well. I loved Lotus! The only puppet i liked was that green one in the cafe lol
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    Best Cartoons from the 90s

    ah yes i remember cat dog seems that most of the cartoon companies used the same voice actors for most of the different shows....just like um Nancy Cartwright does multiple voices.
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    My Sister's Keeper

    Have any of you read the book? Wel i saw on the yahoo front page the trailer for the movie version of the book. I know that Id certainly bawl...especially when ive read the book lol. Its got a few famous pple in it..but mostly unknowns My Sister's Keeper 2007 - MySK
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    if your getting nausa and dizzy etc it sounds like a migraine, like what i get.
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    I get headaches aorund the eyes too. Some people say that it is your eyes being strained, others will say your sinus' are playing up. It all varies. Just take an aspirin, or panadol, lie down in a quiet area and drink more water. If that doesnt help see your doctor. If you have a headache and...
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    How much sleep do we need?

    Well i found out that, after doing a late and night shift together on Sunday night/monday morning and having to go back at 4pm that monday afternoon that i need at least 8hrs otherwise i get cranky and lousy. The other nurse was right when she said that id feel teh worst on tuesday..sure...
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    Working Holidays?

    Go to STA Travel or one of that chain agent and ask for an Overseas working holiday brochure. Or you could go to the camp cousellers website..depends what you want.
  15. R

    17 again!

    Was matthew perry in it a lot? Coz when i saw the ad originally i was like oh man not another tween movie. Then i saw perry in it and was like omg am going to go and see him!! So how much of the movie is he in? Is it like suddenly 30? Do you think its a tween movie, one that high...
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    Do you get any perks or freebies in your job?

    The hospital i worked at last year was good in handing out stuff. One of the doc's sponsored 10 of us to go to their big 50th bday dinner which was good, coz i certainly wouldnt pay $150 for tiny meals! For christmas time we got several free lunches which was good...though the pudding was ewk...
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    David Jones sale

    im wating to see if they approve my American Express card so that I can get a laptop and camcorder on that 4 years interest free term thing. ANd of course with the long weekend i have to wait longer. Though when i signed up on Saturday, they gave me a free $50 gift voucher, and i asked if i...
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    the pill

    The only real withdrawal that you will get is after a few days you may get some withdrawal bleeding. If your on it for PMS, you might get some your doc or phamacist
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    Would you everr get plastic surgery?

    Good thing about it if you get it due to trauma, you'd get it covered under medicare...but if like you just wanted a simple thing it would be cosmetic, and no one pays for it.
  20. R

    Would you everr get plastic surgery?

    i work on a plastic surgery ward and i have to say there is a big difference between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery. I work in a major public hospital and we get a lot of plastic surgery you may ask why the stupid qld gov would pay for nose and boob jobs.... welll no they dont...