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  1. R

    NZ vs Aus 10 years younger>

    I thought the nz one would be worse, but i have to say its less irriating than the aussie one. I cant really stand sonia klugers up herself-ness.....and it seems to be a competition. the nz one just helps people look younger... tonights ep was interesting, the lady certainly looked in her 60s...
  2. R

    Travel Concessions for International Students - Foolish Demands

    In Qld the only way that you can get a conceesion, well on Brisbane transport is to have the QR logo on your ID card. And to get that, you need to be on some sort of full time study and get youth allowance or something similar! Just coz you are at uni doenst mean you can get a concession...
  3. R

    Pain in the lower shin/ankle whilst running

    If its your foot, id prob go and actually see a podiatrist, rather than a physio coz they are more specialised in the foot area naturally.
  4. R

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    nooo i have a perfect workout each and every time!! (being sarcastic there of course!!) what a fucking stupid question!! How can you NOT have a bad work out?!!
  5. R

    The Dream Thread

    Re: Weird dreams.... I had a really bizare one last night. Its very revolting.... Last night i went to bed feeling sick in the stomach. I had a dream where i was vomiting huge amounts of blood, and not just blood but clots of it. It settled down and then i was in hospital naturally and they...
  6. R


    I do need to lose weight but thats not coz of my boob fact being this weight means i have decent size boobs and when i lose weight ill be like a b..... I fit into a 14/16 depends on what type of clothes it is etc.... And as nicola just said, everyones bra size doesnt...
  7. R


    No, its also in some of my normal bras. I got a bonds one that has a bit of rubber in it and it hurts, but not as much as the others. I got most of mine from Target or Kmart...i had been thinking of getting fitted properly.
  8. R


    This is NOT about what size guys dont wet urselves... Just wondering ladies, do you have problems with those bras that have rubber at the sides and they just dig in and cause like blisters, even if the band is the right size? Im a 14c/d but some bras im a 16 c/d....but even with...
  9. R

    The Dream Thread

    Weird dreams.... What weird dreams have you had? the other night i was dreaming that I was on the flight to NZ, and we were in one of those jumbo jumbos, and then we were taking off and suddenly the plane felt like it was being pulled up a ramp and then it leveled like on the next level to...
  10. R

    How many sugars do you put in your Tea?

    2-3 with coffee, with tea it varies...not a big drinker of either really.
  11. R


    he sure as hell does!! Have you seen his new dvd, Live at the Atheneum?? Got it Aug5, only by chance did i see it when i went to HMV to pick up my copy of Carl Barrons dvd. Its all about how he stuffs up heaps of things! funny as hell!!
  12. R

    Being worse can it get??

    I am starting to wear contacts coz of clearer vision. I wore them to work the other night and they were like oh you've seen what patients have come in with after wearing contacts and im like oh yeah for sure, I make sure i clean them very well. I work in the eye ward at work, and we get contact...
  13. R

    Being worse can it get??

    Being short sighted can come with risks. You are at greater risk of getting a retinal tear...which i did back in 07. if you notice any increase in flashes, floaters, or a sense of a 'curtain' coming over your vision, get straight to the ER or your optometrist coz you could have a tear. if its in...
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    True beauty

    i love this show coz its soooooo stupid and just goes to show how fucking stupid americans are and how much these types of people are up themselves...
  15. R


    My friend is from Scotland and she says that most of the time its bloody freezing over there! And their beaches...well its just rocks and shit like that. Id love to go to Scotland one day, and my friend said that when i go with her, she'll be not used to the cold and it will be rather difficult...
  16. R

    Qld learners pass without being able to reverse...

    Interesting article....I agree with it though. I am going to go for my test soon, and my new instructor hasnt taught me really parking properly or stuff like that. Now i dont have the luxury of having parents to teach me or being able to use friends cars so I rely on driving schools. My manual...
  17. R

    Common food that YOU have never eaten or avoided.

    i avoid weetbix and the only jam i will eat, is raspberry and strawberry and it has to be on toast or scones/pikelets..not on bread unless its with peanut butter but i havent had that in ages!! Pineaple jam is revolting.
  18. R

    What color Braces should I get?

    i had pink purple, light some girls would get black.... but then again i had them ages ago and thank god not for as long as they thought id need them The worst part was needing a plate before hand, and a retainer afterwards. Which made my already embarrashing speech impediment even...
  19. R

    Hav u ever crashed during ur L platers?

    Nearly had an accident a while ago. Was slow to take off from a hill start and this dick beeped at me and then the instructor saw that he was going to try and over take me when the lanes were merging, so she hit the accelerator and he mean while still overtook us on a steep hill,near teh top of...
  20. R

    Favourite Fringe

    I used to have one but it just got sooo annoying coz my hair is so curly and untambable so i just parted it and it looks good now. Ive tried the side one, i just look like im wearing some hair piece there lol.