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  1. iambored

    question - copywrite

    i saw this, and it is a question i have had for a long time. what about for example the cssa papers? if they are unhappy about you having them will they just ask you to remove them?
  2. iambored


    is the **** prestige of mac (seen as much lower by many students), compared to the ***** prestige of syd, going to limit job prospects? edit: stars = stars out of 5, not swear words!
  3. iambored


    who do prelim offers go to? they are released even before the preferences are due. so do preferences have to be finalised before then?
  4. iambored

    telling the truth - check out the paper

    today's paper, saturday 20 dec 2003 if you look at the front page of the telegraph, you will see "left to die" and a pic of saddam on top. they try to make it look like the writing belongs to the pic, but it doesn't
  5. iambored

    is music getting worse?

    does anyone think music these days is getting worse? sometimes i can't believe the crap these singers come out with, britney&madonna for one, and then kylie- slow. and all the hip-hop crap. to me it is worse than a few years ago.
  6. iambored

    romeo and juliet?

    is it in the syllabus? critical study of texts? anyway, a version is on this weekend saturday 20 december 2003 1.30pm charles gounod's version UK
  7. iambored

    romeo and juliet?

    is it in the syllabus? critical study of texts? anyway, a version is on this weekend saturday 20 december 2003 1.30pm charles gounod's version UK
  8. iambored

    cruel intentions 1& 2

    what do you think of these movies? 1 can't believe 2 is almost exactly like 1, they even reused some of the lines! and in 1 were the people called sebastian and catherine as well?
  9. iambored

    Runaway Jury the movie

    has anyone seen it? i like it
  10. iambored

    gameboy - mario tennis

    anyone palyed this? when you are at the island open, what happens if you loose a game? are you knocked out of the competition, and can't win?? and also, anyone know any good secrets, the best i know are the silver and gold rackets
  11. iambored

    colesmyer group interviews

    what do you do?
  12. iambored

    prelim english extension 1 fairytales

    This may be useful for the year 11 eng ext students who will be doing fairytales. It talks of some of the values, and you may be able to pull something out for your essays. I will revive this thread early to mid next year if I remember, since there are no year 11 english extension students...
  13. iambored

    question - address history

    i am referring to the address bar, and the fact that when you type an address it comes up with the previous addresses beginning with the letters you have typed. well i did a typo and at the moment i have: which appears before the actual boredofstudies address and i...
  14. iambored

    E Street

    does anyone watch it?
  15. iambored

    Shakespeare's Plays Performances

    I am not sure if any of these are in the critical study of texts area (module B) but I thought I would put this here anyway: Both at the RIVERSIDE THEATRE A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM Bell Shakespeare Company 2-12 June The eagerness of lovers and...
  16. iambored

    where do you buy clothes from?

    where do you buy your clothes from? just a question i actually like grace bros
  17. iambored

    clubs and societies

    which ones did you join? do you still go there? did you meet friends, have a good time etc?
  18. iambored

    do they ring back??

    after interviews, when they say they will ring back, do they ever ring?!?!?
  19. iambored


    why does hotmail go through stages where it will not load? at the moment no ninemsn pages will load, except the first one. it happens at least once a day
  20. iambored

    piano players - good?

    i want to know if the sheet music on this site is good. some of it sounds good, others i can't tell (as i am not 100% good at playing the piano) so if you have used this site before (i know people here have as this is where i was told about it) can you tell me...