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  1. iambored

    Along Came Polly

    Has anyone seen it? I really liked it, thought it was very funny. The rat (sorry, blank) thing was funny!
  2. iambored

    17 y/o at bar

    do they check id at the bar? can 17 y/olds go? some people have only just turned 17
  3. iambored

    how many credit points?

    how many do you have to do for your course, and how many are you doing for each semester? i have to do 24, and am doing 12 each
  4. iambored

    UAI certificate?

    we got a proper bos certificate with our results, do we get one with our uai?
  5. iambored

    uni bags?

    do you have one bag you use for uni? what size? or do you pick whatever come out of the cupboard that morning?
  6. iambored

    early and prelim rounds

    prelim round offers were for mature age students, transfers etc right? what about early? would EVERYONE who is going to uni as of now have been in the paper, because iknow someone who got accepted months ago and they weren't anywhere.
  7. iambored

    Youth Allowance - Everyone Read

    are you aware that we can get youth allowance? and that we have been able to get it for a couple of months now. this is a victoria link, but read it!OpenDocument also, go to...
  8. iambored

    so who's a macquarie student?

    let's talk
  9. iambored

    more questions

    is o-weeek for everyone at uni? just a fun week that all people go to? and in 2hr lectures, do you get a break or is it 2hrs straight?
  10. iambored

    are you doing a language at uni?

    are you doing a language at uni?
  11. iambored


    i know there was a conspiracy with custom before, so i just saw someone who registered dec 2002, does that mean the months are slowly changing so more people get custom? people who registered jan 2003, check if you have custom!
  12. iambored

    condom found in soup Women Sue After Finding Condom In Chowder Customer Takes Rubbery Bite Of Chowder Laila Sultan said she was eating at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant on Feb. 26, 2002, when she bit into something rubbery. "We said, 'Of course...
  13. iambored

    girl to boy ratios

    RATIOS^ what are they like?which courses are mainly girls, which are mainly boys and which are equal? i have typed rations every time i try to type ratios!
  14. iambored

    first year students - recommendations

    there has been talk of 'a lot of first years..' so what do first years do that is unnecessary? what can you tell us to get us away from the normal image of firstyears? e.g. dress casually, don't bring too many folders and books
  15. iambored

    Sam they have an ad for o camp and for o week, but i can't read fast enough to read all the things which are going to be on!!! EDIT: IT'S TOO FAST DAMNIT and yeah you can check out the societies. for someone who goes there now - what happens with club meetings? what if...
  16. iambored

    days before uni

    ok, i am confused. first is there a pre enrolment day on the 21/22 jan? what do you do? then an enrolment day? and a day when they help you pick your subjects? (sit down and work out prerequisites etc.) then o-week, the week before uni? and in that week do we go once for a whole day, and...
  17. iambored

    what was your 1st pref?

    out of interest, what was your first preference? and where?
  18. iambored

    search function

    is it down? i can't search anything
  19. iambored


    are they out now? is there anywhere i can find the timetables for next year on the net?
  20. iambored

    was religion counted in your uai?

    was religion counted in your uai? it wan't in mine