Search results

  1. iambored

    similar music

    Some songs you can listen to over and over for years and never get sick of them. Selected songs from switchfoot, lifehouse, howie day, david franj and probably the fray are on that list. What bands / singers have similar music that I am missing out on?
  2. iambored

    Telling The Truth - Today Tonight and BB

    In light of what I learnt in the Telling the Truth Module in year 12 I thought it was very interesting. Of course, we can't believe what the BBBA site tells us either ;) but I think we have good reason to, considering they are the voice of truth during the BB seasons (apparently).. and moreso...
  3. iambored

    MQers - when do you become a graduate?

    What year and which semester is your last planned year of uni? Mine is the end of semester 2, 2008.
  4. iambored

    Is anyone not a crammer?

    This whole cramming thing is really wearing thin on me. I'm sick of the intense and forced work and concentration needed to get everything learnt in time. It's going to start doing more harm than good because I cbb anymore. Is there anyone here who is not a crammer? How do you do it? How...
  5. iambored

    phone reception

    Every time I use my phone the reception is crap. It comes in and out and I miss sentences. The other person appears to be able to hear me. So I thought it was my phone: but now I have a new phone and it still does it. So I thought it might be my network provider: But today I was talking to...
  6. iambored

    whatever happened to: lcf

    :confused: he posted non stop for a couple of days and has disappeared
  7. iambored

    *sigh* letters disappearing in word

    wtf i am typing in word i wanted to see how many times i had pressed the space bar so i clicked that icon (to show where the page breaks are, spaces, enters etc.) the first page of my notes TURNED TO SQUARES. there are no letters, just squares. i can't view that page on print preview, when i...
  8. iambored

    compressing files

    So, I want to compress a file and it's like 18MB and when I zip it it's still about 17MB. Is there any other way to do it?
  9. iambored

    will i complete my degree on time?

    Is there anywhere we can get an answer to this question? I have checked the handbook numerous times but I may have missed something. On estudent there is a link to a page under "when will you complete your program?" and you can submit it to see if you qualify for an award, but it says you can...
  10. iambored

    follow up of last unread post button

    As stated in this thread the last unread post button wasn't working, then it was fixed, then it didn't work again. I think my last post on the 26 Jan got overlooked, but it still doesn't work. I...
  11. iambored

    Live email beta testers

    Who said yes? I said yes, now I haven't been able to get onto my email for 3 days :mad:
  12. iambored

    JPEG or PNG

    If I have 2 versions of a picture, one JPEG and the other PNG which should I keep and which should I discard? Why? Which of the 2 is better quality?
  13. iambored

    New mqers come on down!

    my name is iambored, new mqers - where are you?! introduce yourself to us and get with the mq spirit
  14. iambored

    'last unread post' button

    when i click the 'last unread post' button it takes me to posts made on the 10 january! this has been happening for the last few days. Even when i have visited the thread numerous times. Is this happening to anyone else?
  15. iambored

    usb sticks

    Any recommendations? a) For price b) One that is small, will not easily break. Preferably with an attached lid so I don't lose it.
  16. iambored

    Profile - friends

    Eh, wtf? What is it? How do you use it? How am I friends with users who don't even use the site anymore or users I have opposite opinions to or don't even know exist?? What are 'friends' 'friend of' and 'mutual friends'? Why are the other fields, for example year of graduation, hyperlinks...
  17. iambored

    Campus and Divisions Map?

    Is there a map which shows which areas of the uni different divisions are situated in and what is in each building?
  18. iambored


    Why did you break up with your past partners? Why did you get together with them in the first place? Are you still friends and why won't it work as a relationship? What do you do if you see them now?
  19. iambored

    Boxing Day Sales

    Who is going? Who is working? What are you going to buy? What did you buy? Tell all here!
  20. iambored


    How does postgraduate study work? What are the levels? How long does it take to attain each? Which order are they attained in? Why is it possible to get a Masters without Honours. Can you get a PhD without Masters? How are they graded (first class ..)?