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  1. iambored

    Two and three day timetables

    What will you be doing with all your time? Multiple jobs? Hobbies? Nothing? For me, probably a mixture of all three :p
  2. iambored

    your personality and the personality you want

    How does your personality relate to the personality of the person you want (or are with in a long term relationship)? This thread isn't about the personality you want, but whether the personality is similar or different to yours and how!! For example, are you calm but want someone...
  3. iambored

    depression advice online?

    I am changing the focus of this thread (I have been tring to post this thread for a number of weeks but it will never go through, tonight it did - ) Should I and how should I approach the topic of depression(/suicide) with someone I know? what would you do? I really don't know what to do - I...
  4. iambored

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    This is a really depressing topic. I don't even feel like posting it. But what if something happened to your significant other that made them physically or mentally disabled. Including situations where it is so severe that their whole functioning was changed. What would you do?
  5. iambored

    We Can Be Heros

    LOL LOL I am watching the clips on the net. This show is damn funny! When will it be back on? Has anyone watched it? I can't find a thread on it.
  6. iambored

    places to buy mobiles outright

    I know they can be bought from voda, telstra, optus and all the rest of the carriers. Don't these tend to be fixed prices without much of a price drop? They can be bought from ebay - but I don't know if I trust the sellers with so much money in case something goes wrong. Where else do you...
  7. iambored

    windows control centre

    the one that blocks things how can i find it and unblock things? it might be blocking my access to itunes, i really want to see the webcast thanks i found it, it's "windows security center" so does anyone know why i can't hear anything from the apple webcast and the picture keeps...
  8. iambored


    wtf is this, i came back to the computer and a screen says: You have been Updated Your Viewpoint Media Player was recently updated with the latest components to enhance your web viewing. A new browser updaate is recommended, including advanced pop-up blocking and graphically enhanced...
  9. iambored

    Australian Princess

    :confused: I'm only starting a thread because I don't think there is already one I saw the ads and it seems like another typical reality tv show
  10. iambored


    I've been curious about this since starting uni. At school they gave out certificates for people who came first (also second and third) in subjects. Do they do that at uni? Do they do it at the end of each semester, is there a presentation night or something? I have seen a page that has...
  11. iambored

    mp3, wav, mp4

    Someone unconfuse me I don't get it What's the difference between all of them? Quality? Will only mp3 format play on mp3 players? Why when I rip cds to the computer they are in .wav format. How do I rip to mp3 format?
  12. iambored

    11 months prison for hacking hilton's phone

    does anyone agree 11 months and 2 years supervised release is too much? Paris Hilton's 'hacker' sent to the slammer It doesn't pay to pry into celebs' personal lives, as a 17-year-old boy, who hacked Paris Hilton's account...
  13. iambored

    "the revolution" mobile

    what bs they have no expiry, but they charge 15c per day. their customer service hotlines cost too much it's better to go with a company with long expiries and higher call rates, imo
  14. iambored

    talks then doesn't

    This has been pissing me off for some time. What do you make of it if you have a friend / acquaintance / love interest / anyone else who: is really nice, chatty, asks how you've been. you see them again from a distance and they look away you see them again and they say hi and are chatty you...
  15. iambored

    what does this screen mean?

    "Warning: You are currently operating at 95% of your quota."
  16. iambored

    Mentor Leaders

    What do they do, as opposed to mentors? Can anyone who has been a mentor be a mentor leader?
  17. iambored

    Thoughts on buying stereos

    What are your thoughts? They didn't seem to be going anywhere technology wise for years. I heard today that some of the new ones have a place for USB transfer or something along those lines. Do you think it is worth having a stereo or should we all go for ipods with speakers? What...
  18. iambored

    When will ipods be unveiled?

    How do things like this work? Do they wake up one day and decide to unveil ipods or will there be a lead up for weeks? I can't find much on the new ipods, just speculation for ibooks...
  19. iambored

    Windows Vista to follow XP Will we be able to upgrade our XPs to Vista easily?
  20. iambored

    Mobile, what to buy

    It seems to me mobile phones are in a state of limbo, forgetting the really basic ones, they are all coloured, most have cameras and all the basics. So what should I look for in a new phone? What are some good models, or new models? What are some cheaper but good models? I really like the...