I think any country, in fact probably even Islamic countries would like to claim these virtues as their own. The fact is that in any country, there will be some people who adhere to them and some who don't. The values are not unique, or even partially exclusive to Australia. On the other hand...
Every other subject (except for maths) requires you to at least be able to construct short answer responses and essays. But answers in those subjects are not improved by HSC english. For me, the most sophisticated essays were written for Modern History, not English. By HSC level, english itself...
English is compulsory while maths is not for one very simple reason - to disadvantage Asians. Of course there have been some side-effects since this policy was implemented, such as making girls attain better uais than guys.
less caucasians finding asian girls attractive can only be a good thing.
on that note why is it that skips have the worst taste when it comes to judging asians. beauty is fairly objective after all and is supposed to transcend cultural backgrounds
You need to show a bit of understanding. It's easy for you to learn the language at yr 4 but far harder for international students to overcome the language barrier. What gives you more right to be in the country than them? The fact that your parents migrated here??
The imposition of values as requirements for becoming a citizen is clearly arbitrary. Values are indeterminate. What is "democracy" or "respect of the opinions of others" or "fair go" etc. Does democracy refer to system of government? Does the average Australian have an understanding of...
Chinese are the hottest out of all asians in my opinion and i'd include honkies and taiwanese as Chinese (as ethnically they are all chinese). Japanese and koreans aren't bad and sometimes south east asians can b okay (if they have chinese heritage) but chinese definately have the best figures.